Out of concern that the observation by the constitutional protection has moved to the AfD in the past few weeks several members to leave the party. Party leader Jörg Meuthen said, ideally, he added, to bring members who were against the free democratic basic order, to leave the AfD. The had managed in the past few weeks in some cases.

Where this is not possible, you have to make the effort a party exclusion procedure, said Meuthen. The AfD will, however, by a possibly impending observation by the protection of the Constitution in a “wave of the exclusion procedure” push into it. In sum, the lack of adherence to the Law is not a Problem of the AfD, but “to look at the old parties”.

The AfD had in the meantime set the rights of citizens ‘ movement Pro Chemnitz on their “incompatibility list”, informed the AfD of the Bundestag, Roland Hartwig. Hartwig leads a by the AfD Federal Executive Board established “working party on the protection of the Constitution”.

Who belongs to an organization that is not on this list, may not officially be a member of the AfD. On the list of the NPD, for example. Members of the Pro Chemnitz had joined in September in Chemnitz, Germany, a rally, organised by the AfD-country associations of Saxony, Brandenburg and Thuringia. The chief of the Pro Chemnitz, Martin Kohlmann, is observed according to media reports, from the Saxon state office for the protection of the Constitution as part of the right-wing extremist scene.

Gauland wants to be warned with Höcke over controversial Expression

Thuringia AfD-Chef Björn Höcke talk had his party not to panic in the face of a possible observation by the constitutional protection. Such a fear referred to Höcke, the leader of the ultra-right party is a wing, on a land party on the weekend as a “political Bed-wetting”. At the Meeting, he had been as a country Manager, confirmed.

This word choice, the Co-Chairman of the Federal party, Alexander Gauland criticized. He said he wanted to speak with Höcke. An occasion for a party exclusion procedure Gauland, who had referred to Höcke once as a “national romantic” looks, in this Expression: “I see This not as a party-damaging, I just see it as wrong.”

uncertainty caused by process of elimination?

Gauland wanted to evaluate the so-called Stuttgarter call that some AfD members in the past week had launched. Is it a question of insecurity of the members by numerous regulatory and exclusion procedures. In the call also States: “We oppose all Thought and speech is prohibited within the party”. The said from the Baden-Württemberg master at the end of the AfD of the Bundestag, Markus glad Maier: “few elected officials have joined this call, and that’s good.”

The AfD youth organization Young Alternative (JA) was dissolved on Sunday, your state Association of lower Saxony. The former YES-country Manager Lars Steinke had been discontinued in August, because he had referred to the Hitler assassin Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg in a non-publicly viewable Facebook entry as a traitor.