Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has decided to abandon the race for the Republican nomination after failing in the Super Tuesday primaries, according to sources familiar with her plans cited by various media. With the withdrawal of the US ambassador to the UN during her term, Donald Trump becomes the only candidate for the Republican Party. Haley is expected to make her resignation public early this afternoon Spanish time.

Donald Trump won Republican votes in 14 of 15 states, including delegate-rich California and Texas, sidelining Haley, whose only victory of the night came in the state of Vermont.

Haley, 52, had drawn support from deep-pocketed donors who were trying to prevent Trump from winning a third consecutive Republican presidential nomination, particularly after she put together a series of strong debate performances that Trump opted to skip.

In the end, he failed to convince conservative voters enough in the face of Trump’s dominance.

But his strongest showing among moderate Republicans and independents (he won unaffiliated voters by a wide margin in New Hampshire and won nearly 40% of the vote in South Carolina) highlighted how scorched-earth style politics of Trump could make him vulnerable in the November presidential elections. 5 choice.

On March 3, he won the Republican primary in Washington, D.C. with 62.9% of the votes, compared to Trump’s 33.2%.