In the animated film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, many viewers discovered how many alternative Spider-Mans had been explored in Marvel comics. It was the advantage of writing a series that took advantage of the multiverse. One of them, designed in a noir key, will now become a live-action character with his own television series and, against all odds, will be played by the same actor who gave him his voice in the film: none other than Nicolas Cage.

This Spider-Man, titled Noir, focuses on a mature private detective in New York in the 1930s who must confront his past as a superhero. He takes as a reference the version of the character from Marvel Noir, a line of comics that began to be published by the publisher in 2009 and that relocated iconic characters in the United States of the Great Depression. Its creators were the writers David Hine and Fabrice Sapolsky, the cartoonist Carmine Di Giandomenico and Marko Djurdjevic as the creator of the uniform.

“Expanding the Marvel universe with Noir is a very special opportunity,” they have indicated from Amazon MGM Studios, where they consider that the “extremely talented Nicolas Cage is the ideal choice for our superhero.” Those who may fear that it will be too emancipated from the brilliant result of the animated films of Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, a detail that inspires confidence: the directors will be executive producers supervising the project.

If Noir is faithful to the comics, those United States of the Great Depression will be part of Earth-90214 where Peter Parker, after obtaining the powers of a spider hidden in a relic of the Spider God, fights the criminal network of New York. Who is the boss of the city? Of course Norman Osborn, Uncle Ben’s killer, who had been a World War I pilot. Even the Nazis made an appearance as the issues progressed, with new approaches to well-known figures such as Dr. Otto Octavius.

With this television series, which still does not have a release date, Nicolas Cage will play his second superhero in audiovisual (if we do not count, of course, that he was already Spider-Man on a vocal level in the Lord and Miller films). He was the ghost rider of Ghost Rider in the 2007 film and let us remember that he was about to be Superman in the nineties: in the Tim Burton adaptation for which he did costume tests but which was never filmed. .