The dining experience of the restaurant Pau Claris 190 intensifies this month of June with the opening of the new deck of the restaurant and the presentation of a new charter that looks at the tradition without renouncing to its international character and the author.

The next day 15 will be held the i nauguración of the new terrace , a space which provides an environment even more cosmopolitan this property that is located on the premises of a former florist of the Eixample in barcelona.

This will also be the opportunity to taste the proposals of the new charter, with which the chef Raphael Warda makes a turn towards the traditional dishes.

The dishes of Warda is based on recipes very elaborate and exotic that sets out the influences of the places where he has lived, such as India, or the passion for the sweets of her grandmother, of German origin, without forgetting the French touch which marked his training as a chef and a mediterranean character.

Inside the restaurant Pau Claris 190 (Pau Claris 190 / Pau Claris 190)

Without giving up your touch of author or your experience in the kitchen, Warda is now fixed in the international recipes more traditional to overdub them in a modern way and with carefully selected products, using the techniques of the French and japanese cuisine.

In this way, are incorporated into the letter typical dishes of the mediterranean cuisine with influences from around the world, the cuisine of Pau Claris 190 becomes much more international.

at The same time, the new charter includes proposals to both traditional and surprising, as the version salt “Mel and killed ”, that will not leave anyone indifferent.

The experience of the new letter is magnified, moreover, with the wine pairing proposed by the sommelier and head waiter Lizbeth Brophy, whose passion for wine and liquids exclusive is perceived in its treatment of close and personalized suggestions. Something that undoubtedly contributes to the excellence of the proposal of the Pau Claris 190 , which was recognized last year with one of the awards Lux magazine.

Raphael Warda and Lizbeth Brophy, chef and sommelier of the Pau Claris 190 (DAVID.GARCIA@TREBOLTREE.ES / Pau Claris 190)

The terrace and the letter are not the only novelties that can be found in the Pau Claris 190, as the restaurant has made improvements in its local to open your kitchen and let the view of the guests the process of preparation of the dishes.

The Pau Claris 190 is a perfect restaurant to enjoy without haste, let it lead you on a journey through the senses in a modern, cosmopolitan and welcoming.