About fifty people gathered this Friday in Mariola de Lleida to reject the latest violent events in the neighborhood, some of them with injuries from stabbings. 

The protesters support a manifesto that “condemns” these events and also urges residents of the area to work “together” to improve coexistence in this part of the city. 

The neighbors ask the administrations for a “great shock plan” and greater investment to improve the neighborhood. “We want to form a common front of social and community work so that people regain confidence in the neighborhood and we are not so stigmatized,” said the president of the neighborhood association, Isaac Caballero.

Neighbors, representatives of neighborhood entities and politicians from municipal groups attended the rally in Plaza Galicia.  

Isaac Caballero has described the latest incidents in the area as “very serious”, with fights that have led to injuries due to stabbings, among others, and has stated that the neighbors have to raise their voices to “condemn” it.  

“We want to form a common front of social and community work with the people so that trust in the neighborhood is restored and it stops being so stigmatized,” he said.

Caballero considers that a “very large shock plan” is necessary for the neighborhood in “urban planning, social or employment matters.” He has stated that the Government’s Barris con Futur project, which includes Mariola, is “very good” but he believes that there are problems that cannot be resolved with a pilot plan. “In the same way that is invested in other municipalities in Catalonia, it should also be invested in Lleida and Mariola,” he claimed.

Regarding the Urban Police operational center that will be implemented in the Mariola Civic Center to reinforce security, he said that it must be seen “if it will be effective.”

The manifesto, which four of those gathered read, wanted to “condemn” the violent acts and show the will of the neighbors to “unite to say no to violence and yes to peaceful coexistence” with the aim of creating a “safe and secure environment.” welcoming to all.”

“We ask for the involvement of the entire neighborhood, of the various entities and cultures. Let us unite to work together to improve coexistence and build a living neighborhood where mutual respect is fostered,” the manifesto adds.