According to scientific studies, due to brain design, men, unlike women, cannot do two things at the same time. And this is what investors fear in Tesla, the car manufacturer that has brought planetary glory to 51-year-old Elon Musk. They feel abandoned because of Twitter, and that means gambling their winnings on the wheel of fortune.

In the Delaware courtroom, Musk defended his leadership in the company that makes electric vehicles and assured that his focus would soon change, since he hopes to reduce the time he spends on the social network. There will be a new leader at the helm who will take care of this other company, he promised. His forecast is to complete this week “the essentials” of the restructuring of his recently acquired platform, for 44,000 million dollars, until now plunged into chaos in his barely twenty days of management.

This has led him to work tirelessly, he said. So much so that he even sleeps on the office floor. “There is an initial burst of activity in the post-purchase period of the platform, but I hope to reduce my time on Twitter,” she stressed. He also admitted that some Tesla engineers are assigned to evaluate the social network’s engineering teams, albeit on a “volunteer and after-hours basis.”

The businessman spoke of his personal sacrifice from the courtroom for a complaint precisely from Tesla shareholders. Musk defended in his statement that the compensation of 56,000 million that he claimed in 2018 and that led him to become the richest man in the world was completely correct.

Richard Torretta, the Tesla shareholder signing the lawsuit, noted in his brief that the car brand erred by approving the payment of emoluments that make those of the company’s top executives look ridiculous. And more if one takes into account that Musk is not dedicated exclusively, but shares his time with other companies, such as Space X and now with Twitter.

The trial has shown that Musk is a unique businessman who defies scientific studies. He is the top executive in five companies at once. This is what makes it possible to ask whether his government of Tesla does so in the best interests of the shareholders or of itself. This is the second time in two years that he has been forced to testify in an investor lawsuit. In 2021, he won the case that was brought about his role in the purchase, in 2016, of Solar City, a solar panel company.

Tesla’s lawyers argued that the compensation, mostly in the form of stock packages and linked in value to the company’s run, was necessary to “maintain and encourage the CEO,” who was being criticized for his rise as the CEO. responsible for the most valuable car manufacturer that exists. If Tesla hadn’t done so well, Musk wouldn’t have made as much money.

Before beginning his statement, he apologized for being slow, for the burden of work on Twitter and for having arrived on a trip at dawn. On the stand, according to those present, Musk remained calm amid verbal exchanges with the plaintiffs about inconsistencies in his testimony and the authorship of several tweets in the past dedicated to this matter and portraying him.

He assured that he did not participate in any meeting in which his bonds were discussed, but the lawyers for the lawsuit showed documents that indicate the opposite. And he seemed to acknowledge that some of those tweets violated terms set out by the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States.

In conclusion, he insisted that he hopes to complete the restructuring of Twitter soon, while one of the plaintiffs replied that “we have already heard other of your terribly bad predictions.”

His next objective on the platform of the bird that trills is to recover the service called Twitter Blue on the 29th, which involves paying eight dollars a month to users who want to have their personality verified on the network. This was put on hold last week as counterfeits spread. Even Jesus Christ managed to verify his account.

In addition, Musk sent an internal email to the employees of the social platform on Wednesday, in a workforce cut to half of its 7,700 hired, in which he informed them that they had until Thursday to decide. The dilemma consists of continuing in the company working “many hours with high intensity” or accepting a dismissal compensated with three months’ salary.