Thousands of people took to the streets in Madrid this Sunday to show their solidarity with the Palestinian people and ask for an end to the war shouting “they are not deaths, they are murders” and under the slogan ‘Always with the Palestinian resistance’.

Specifically, around 35,000 people, as detailed by sources from the Government Delegation to Europa Press, attended the rally that began around 12:00 p.m. in Atocha and concluded in Plaza de España. Attendees carried posters calling for peace and pointing out that the deaths of the Palestinian population were “war crimes”, which is why some posters could also be read calling for a “boycott of Israel.”

In particular, attendees remembered the children of Palestine, to whom they dedicated posters such as ‘Let’s unite for the rights of Palestinian children, for a childhood without violence or oppression.’ Furthermore, the work of the UN has been questioned: ‘Palestine makes us question whether the UN defends human rights.’

During the march, songs in support of Palestine have also been proclaimed, such as ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will win’, ‘Long live the struggle of the Palestinian people’, ‘It is not a war, it is a genocide’.

This concentration has been joined by the support of political leaders, such as the second vice president and acting minister of Labor and Social Economy and leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz; the acting Minister of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 and leader of Podemos, Ione Belarra; or the acting Minister of Consumer Affairs and leader of Izquierda Unida, Alberto Garzón.

Díaz has called for an “immediate” ceasefire in Gaza and has denounced Israel’s “flagrant” violation of international law and has asserted that Human Rights “cannot be relativized and neither can international legality.”

“It is evident that Israel is committing war crimes and when we talk about this we are referring to the purging of legal responsibilities and we are talking about violation of international legality. There are no double standards,” he indicated.

For her part, Belarra demanded this Sunday that the “ethnic cleansing” of Israel in Palestine be ended “once and for all” and stated that European leaders, “including Pedro Sánchez”, are not up to the task. . “Netanyahu must be brought before the International Criminal Court so that he can be tried as a war criminal,” he said.

Garzón has also criticized that Western governments are siding with the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, whom he has defined as an “ultra” and a “fanatic”, and has called for an “immediate” ceasefire to protect the civil population.

“We have to keep in mind that we are not facing a war, we are facing an ethnic cleansing that began many decades ago and that is now experiencing a terrifying explosion with the bombing of the civilian population in a collective punishment in the form of thirst, hunger, of closing communications, of making life more difficult for the poor civilian population who have been suffering for a long time from living in a concentration camp like Gaza,” he highlighted.