Marta Blázquez assumed the presidency of the Faconauto dealer association in June in the midst of the transformation of the distribution sector and faced with the challenge of electrification.

The market has evolved better than expected at the beginning of the year.

Yes, we have accumulated growth of almost 20% and we expect registrations of around 930,000 or 940,000 units for the entire year. The individual channel, which we especially follow, is growing after a difficult period and that makes us optimistic. However, the customer is confused about which car to buy. That is why other purchase formulas are growing, such as renting. It is a way to alleviate fears about whether to go directly to an electric car, a plug-in hybrid or a gasoline car. The uncertainty installed in the consumer’s mind is what worries us the most.

In any case, electric sales are not taking off.

It worries us a lot. Although we spend 90% of the time talking about electric, in the end only 5% of the market is electric. We are concerned about this very slow pace in Spain with electrification. The reality is that yes or yes it is going to prevail and I would not like Spain to stay behind Europe, we do not deserve it as a country. It makes no sense that we are not deploying electric vehicles when we have always been one of the largest markets in Europe. It is true that there is a problem of purchasing power, of per capita income, but that is what State aid is for, which is what has to eliminate this mismatch between supply and demand. On the other hand, we must give the consumer peace of mind, guaranteeing them that they can buy an electric car because they are not going to be left stranded, and that means expanding the charging points. We are intensely demanding an official, interactive map that shows all the charging points of all the companies, which can be reserved with an application that also informs about the estimated time for charging.

Many dealers complain about the electric stock they are assuming. This is so?

It’s like that. Some brands, not all, to be honest, are creating an overstock of electric vehicles in some dealerships. Another piece of information that confirms that manufacturers are preparing for the new technology and, however, the customer channel is not assuming it. The stock is at an average of three or four months of sales.

How many vehicles are there accumulated?

It is difficult to calculate, but there could be 7,000 or 8,000 vehicles.

And how do you plan to face it?

Until this country takes taxation seriously as a key lever to explode electrification, we will not have the figures we deserve. It’s working in other countries, it’s just a matter of copy and paste. All the countries in which electrification has worked is because they have had very decisive and very forceful fiscal measures. Here we have achieved a 15% deduction in personal income tax for individuals, but we must go further. Companies also have to have advantages, for example in VAT, for the renewal of their fleets, because that would accelerate electrification. Previously, the European Union allowed VAT credit on electric cars, but this possibility was eliminated with a directive. We want that possibility to be reintroduced.

How will the distribution sector close the year in employment?

With sales of 930,000-940,000 units, we expect stability in employment. We will see what happens at the end of the year, but if electrification does not arrive and we do not have a dynamic market that tends to 1.2 million units, we see risks. We also have a lack of some job profiles for after-sales services, such as sheet metal workers or painters. Although they are stable jobs, with decent salaries, good hours and conciliation facilities, we cannot meet the demand. A shame, because we could be an employment accelerator.

But the electric car means less employment in factories and workshops.

I think there is a confusion with what is going to happen in 2035. The client should know that in 2035 what is going to be prohibited, if the date is maintained, is going to be buying a new combustion car, but yes that will be able to continue circulating with them until 2050. That is, all the products available in any dealership will be able to be used until 2050. The confusion is doing us a lot of harm, when the reality is that 2050 is 27 years away and, Therefore, there is no reason to be afraid of making mistakes.

Is the 2035 ban viable?

It is viable as long as 2024 is truly a year of inflection, with a clear and forceful commitment. If Moves, which ends in December, is not extended, it would already be a bad sign. And we hope that the charging points will accelerate and the aid will reach the consumer’s pocket. If it is a lost year again, an entire trend will be lost.

Distribution faces a very important change. Many brands prefer the agency model to the concession model. What do you think?

Total respect. Faconauto is not against any of the modalities. The important thing is that there is a place of proximity to the client in the municipalities. If you are an agent or dealer it doesn’t matter.

How do you assess the arrival of Chinese brands?

Very good. Furthermore, they are committed to the dealership model. It is always good news to have more offerings to offer to customers.

One of its main challenges will be to rebuild the unity of the sector after the amendment presented by Faconauto to demand compensation in the event of cancellation of contracts by the brands.

Yes, Congress rejected the amendment that we legitimately defended and we have gone through a period of differences. After that chapter, now it’s time to work with the same objective, the manufacturers and the distribution.

Do you think that a social climate against private cars is being generated?

It is very annoying that the private vehicle is persecuted, because all the studies we have indicate that more than 95% of the population has or wants to have a private vehicle. And that does not go against the rest of the micromobilities, on the contrary, they are complementary things. We want citizens to continue to have the right to mobility, to be able to exercise it with complete freedom and at the same time to be an incentive to make mobility sustainable.