Las tres puertas has landed one more Wednesday on La 2. On this occasion, María Casado has made a confession that has left all viewers of the program stunned: the presenter could have been a victim of the Hipercor attack.

Let us remember that the Hipercor attack was perpetrated by the terrorist organization ETA on June 19, 1987 in the city of Barcelona and consisted of the placement of a powerful explosive in a shopping center of the Hipercor company located on Avenida Meridiana in said city.

Irene Villa has visited the set of Las tres puertas. The journalist, writer and lecturer who survived the attack perpetrated by ETA, for which she lost both legs, has shown how it is possible to have a happy life after suffering an experience like that.

Irene Villa has assured that “it is much more difficult to deal with emotional pain. I know it from my sister, from my father. Anybody prefers something that requires rehabilitation, antibiotics… anything. However, there is a lot of therapy for emotional pain, but sometimes you are the one creating that pain. Your mind dramatizes, boycotts, gets worse, and is your worst enemy, ”she recounted.

For her part, María Casado wanted to be honest and tell a personal story that she had not shared until now: she could have been one of the victims of that attack. “In 1987 I lived very close to Hipercor and that afternoon the whole family was going to go shopping. My grandmother, my mother, my aunt, my cousins ??and I were going to go. In fact, my uncle went to work thinking that we were all there.

That Friday afternoon could have become a tragedy for the journalist’s family. However, fate played in his favor: “We got rid of it, do you know why? Because my aunt had a tummy ache. When she finished eating, something felt wrong and she said to my mother ‘let’s leave it for another day'”.

Let us remember that in the terrorist attack caused by an explosive, 21 people died and 45 were injured. This was classified as the largest terrorist attack in the history of the gang in the Catalan capital.

30 kg of ammonal, one hundred liters of gasoline, soap flakes and glue to add up to 200 kg of explosive charge was what the members of the Barcelona Command deposited in the trunk of a stolen Ford Sierra to carry out their attack.