A plumbing system is a complex maze of pipes, heaters faucets, etc. it is one of the most critical aspects in a home or any establishment. You should always take care of your plumbing system if you don’t want to have any problems in the long run that will cost you a lot of money to resolve. You will encounter old, broken and rusty pipes throughout the years, and you need to always have to be on top of the situation so that every plumbing issue will not escalate into something that will be harder to resolve. Here are some steps you can take to ensure that your plumbing system is always in good condition.

How long do pipes last?

Pipes generally last for decades, and with some help from their owners, they can last longer than their lifespan. Lead pipes can last for 100 years, and they were the most commonly used type of tube in the 1900s, so there are probably homes today using lead pipes. If you know that your plumbing system is using lead pipes, have your water checked as lead can seep into water and may cause illnesses. Galvanised steel can last from 20 to 50 years, copper 50 years + and brass pipes for 40 to 70 years.

Take a look at your pipes

As mentioned above, different types of pipes have different lifespans. If your home’s plumbing is a few decades old without any major improvements or repairs, you may want to contact a plumber Stroud so they can check it for damages and suggest practical, long-lasting solutions.

Do not neglect small issues

If you already notice a small crack on one of the pipes, take immediate action. If a small crack goes untreated, chances are the break will get bigger and cause leaks which will be a lot costlier to resolve. Call a plumber if you have no DIY skills to ensure that they skillfully and aptly perform the solution.


If you are living in a place where winters are harsh, your home is not the only one that you should insulate. Make sure to also protect your pipes so that the water does not freeze, since extreme cold temperatures affect the lifespan and performance of pipes as frozen water inside them can expand and damage their inner walls. You can also use heat tape to place on the tiny pipe joints so you don’t have to worry during the winter about your pipes freezing thanks to their insulation.

Update your plumbing system

If you live in a house that is a few decades old, you may want to evaluate the condition of your pipes and consider having your whole plumbing system upgraded to the latest standards. Yes, it may cost you a bit of money but you won’t have to worry about it having issues in the near future.

Taking preventive measures, although sometimes it may cost you, will still be much cheaper than having to pay for a complete repair or replacement of pipes in your plumbing system.

Image: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/03/05/22/41/background-1239348__340.jpg