The spokesperson for Más Madrid in the City Council, Rita Maestre, is going to become one of the most talked about topics this Wednesday, San Isidro day in Madrid. First for not attending the awards given by the capital and then for wearing a protest shawl on which the phrase “Housing is a right” appears.

The shawl has been made by Ellas Lo Bordan, a socio-labor insertion workshop for women who have been victims of gender violence.

Más Madrid has explained in a statement that with this gesture Maestre “reclaims the popular Madrid and the neighborhoods that claim that housing is a right.”

With him he will go to the San Isidro meadow, together with the Minister of Health, Mónica García, and the spokesperson for Más Madrid in the Assembly, Manuela Bergerot. It is a message, continues the political group, that confirms that the city “celebrates its festival without ceasing to defend its rights, for which more than miracles, we must demand brave policies, in front of the open bar of José Luis Martínez-Almeida and “the PP to vulture funds and speculators.”