The Community of Madrid has received five offers for the drafting of the project and execution of works for the City of Justice, and the award of the project is scheduled for before the end of the summer, with a maximum period of nine months to present the process constructive.

These five proposals have been presented by thirteen companies that have been grouped into five Temporary Business Unions (UTE): OHLA-Azvi-Rover, Constructora San José-Avintia, Dragados-Acciona Construction, Ferrovial-Sacyr-FCC and Ortiz-Lantania- Vias y Construcciones, the only one that has applied for one of the lots, while the rest for the entire project, divided into two.

The first lot, tendered for 202 million euros and which will involve the construction of 154,000 square meters (m²), and the second lot corresponds to the construction of the courts of all jurisdictional orders, the prosecutor’s office, common services, the purposes, the archive and underground parking and restricted 2,000 spaces.

The Madrid Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Local Administration, Miguel Ángel García, conveyed this information this Tuesday at a press conference at the Real Casa de Postas after the meeting of the Contracting Board.

According to the Ministry, the administrative process will be carried out through this Table, which will be made up of area officials who will assess the technical and architectural quality of the offers presented, in order to “guarantee maximum transparency and objectivity.

”I want to emphasize that the subjective criteria of the tender, related to the architectural quality and the uniqueness of the project, will be evaluated by eight technicians, by eight professionals from the General Directorate of Judicial Infrastructure – all of them public officials -, five senior architects, two technical architects and an industrial engineer,” García pointed out.

The Madrid City of Justice will be located in the Valdebebas neighborhood and will unify in a single complex all the headquarters currently distributed throughout the capital, which serve more than 30,000 people daily.

Between ten and thirteen buildings will be built that will be a benchmark in Spain in the modernization of judicial infrastructures to make them more accessible, fully digitalized and efficient.

The City of Justice of Madrid will occupy around 236,000 m² above ground and 198,000 m² below ground on a plot of land with an area of ​​132,000 m², which represents an increase of 61 percent compared to the sum of all the space allocated to these organizations. right now.

The regional Executive will invest 680 million euros for its construction in the period 2024-2028, with a planned allocation of almost 23 million for this year’s Budgets.