Agents of the National Police in Palma have dismantled an illegal mobile casino that was moving through various hospitality establishments in Mallorca, some of them in the heart of Palma. The agents have arrested two people and have seized high-quality decks of cards, different poker game tables, jackpot, dice, roulette, gambling machines and more than 1,300 chips with different amounts between 5 and 10,000 euros. Leaflets were also distributed in various languages, mainly in German.

This mobile casino had been operating for at least a year and the games were announced online. Attendees had to pay an entrance fee of about 50 euros to go to these venues. At the time of the officers’ intervention, in a location on Passeig Marítim in Palma, the police discovered that information signs for “casino royale” had been installed selling tickets for 49 euros. The ticket included 500 chips to participate in the various games of “roulette, black jack, poker”, as well as music, entertainment and drinks.

Inside the establishment there were 10 people who were actively participating in illegal betting but, as it was a place open to the public, about 70 people were counted in the hospitality activity. Among the attendees were the two organizers of the illegal games, three people who carried out the activity of croupier and five players. The Police had been on the trail of the organizers of these illegal scams for months.

The agents had already taken steps to identify those responsible and came to the conclusion that it was an organized group, which carried out this activity without the corresponding administrative authorization. The detainees had been operating for years and were especially active in Mallorca, although it is being investigated whether they have also operated in other autonomous communities.

The detainees and the owners of the establishment now face a financial penalty of between 30,001 and 450,000 euros since this is a very serious infraction, according to the Balearic gambling law. Participation as a player in unauthorized games or bets in public or private establishments is defined as a serious offense whose sanction can entail a fine of between 3,001 and 30,000 euros.