The Community of Madrid opens the doors of 23 palaces in the region for another year, free of charge, so that Madrid residents and visitors can discover the rich historical and cultural heritage of these enclaves.

The Minister of Culture, Tourism and Sports, Mariano de Paco Serrano, presented yesterday Thursday at the Fernán Núñez Palace, current headquarters of the Spanish Railways Foundation, the tenth edition of Welcome to the Palace!, which will take place between the 14th September and November 30, 2023.

During his speech, Paco Serrano highlighted that “more than 78,000 people” have participated in the nine previous editions, encouraged by the possibility of enjoying these unique spaces that they offer, in addition to guided tours, musical evenings and political and literary gatherings.

In this call for Welcome to the Palace! More than 9,300 free places will be offered and, with the help of heritage specialists, you will be able to tour these emblematic places and learn a little more about their architectural evolution, the movable heritage they house and the different uses they have had throughout the history. history, as the counselor highlighted.

Along with the exclusivity of accessing little-known buildings, whose entry is normally restricted, the visitor will discover its reception rooms, gardens, art collections, furniture, libraries, dance and music rooms, all of them, scenes of social customs. of the high bourgeoisie and aristocracy of his time.

The Godoy Palace, designed by Sabatini for the Marquis of Grimaldi and as a home for future Secretaries of State, participates in this tenth edition of the project; that of La Chata, where the Infanta Isabel de Borbón lived until the royal family was exiled in 1931, or that of Buenavista, which brings together an outstanding collection of works of art by Benlliure, Goya and Madrazo.

Also included are the Palace of the Countess of Adanero (Archive of the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Function); that of the Marquis del Amboage (Italian Embassy); that of the Marquises of Argüeso (Embassy of the Argentine Republic); the Castle-palace of Aldovea; and the Basilio Avial Palace (headquarters of the ONCE presidency).

Also the Palace of Duke Fernán Núñez (Spanish Railways Foundation); that of Florido Park (Lázaro Galdiano Museum); that of Fontalba (State Attorney General’s Office); of the Dukes of Híjar (Embassy of Portugal); the Infanta Isabel de Borbón Palace (General Air Command of the Air Force), and that of Javier González-Longoria (Headquarters of the General Society of Authors and Editors).

The Palace of Joaquín Sorolla (current Sorolla Museum); that of the infant Luis de Borbón; that of Liria (Casa de Alba Foundation); the House-Palace of Manuel González-Longoria (Illustrious Notarial College of Madrid), and the Palace of the Duchess of Parcent (Ministry of Justice), are also part of this initiative.

Lastly, they include the Palace of the Marquises of Santa Cruz (Álvaro de Bazán Foundation); that of the Marquis of Villafranca (Royal Academy of Engineering); that of Zurbano (Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda); and the Palace of the Marquis of Rafal (Residence of the Belgian Ambassador).

Welcome to the Palace! It is part of the Strategic Plan for Historical Heritage as one of the projects that make up the Heritage Education Plan of the regional Government, which seeks the valorization of cultural assets by citizens.

All information about the program and the different locations will be available on the website of the Community of Madrid, as well as access to the reservation center where registration for the different activities must be made, the deadline for which will open on December 8. September at 10:00 a.m. at