* The authors are part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In The Photos of the Readers of La Vanguardia we can hear and perceive the beauty of the sound of the water in the Riera Major.

And, specifically, the detail of this and other locks. To the right of the images we see the stairs for the fish that need to go up the river in their reproductive cycles.

It is a type of transfer system, a channel with artificially increased roughness, which communicates the level of the reservoir upstream of the dam with the level of the river downstream of it.

The shape of the ladder must allow fish migrating in the river to pass through the dam. It has an eminently ecological function.

The Riera Major originates in Montseny and, after passing through the municipalities of Viladrau, Sant Sadurní d’Osormort and Vilanova de Sau, in the area of ​​Les Guilleries, it delivers its waters to the Ter river below the Sau reservoir.

In this last sequence of images we can see the force with which the water flows down the Riera Major in the Sant Sadurní d’Osormort waterfall after the rains.