The Queen left television twenty years ago, but television has not left her. Pursued by the cameras in her many public events, this Wednesday, she once again stood in front of a television camera operated by one of the students of the integrated center for Professional Training in Communication, Image and Sound (CISLAN), located in Langreo. As she did on Monday in Oroso (A Coruña), when, symbolically, she inaugurated the school year (kindergarten, primary and secondary school) Letizia has officially inaugurated the FP course in the Asturian center, where she has chatted with the students about your goals and concerns.

In keeping with the autumn temperatures, typical of the North, the Queen wore a white tweet jacket with black speckles paired with black pants, all by Massimo Dutti.

At the doors of the center, a large group of Langreo residents were waiting for her, whom Letizia greeted, especially a group of retirees from the Nuestra Señora del Fresno Senior Center, with whom she chatted briefly. The Queen has also come to listen to the demands of a group of interim teachers who have been left without a place and who were protesting outside the Center.

During the visit, the Reina was accompanied by the Minister of Education, Pilar Alegría, and the president of Asturias, Adrián Barbón.

The Integrated Vocational Training Center for Communication, Image and Sound of Langreo, (CIFP CISLAN), in which 520 students are enrolled, is a public center inaugurated in 2006, which is part of the Network of Integrated Centers of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Principality of Asturias. As explained to the Queen, it offers  comprehensive training that facilitates learning throughout professional life, aimed at young people and unemployed people. On her tour of the center she has visited a television set, standing in front of one of the cameras, a photography classroom, two sound studios and has seen a staging of animation and video game classes.

After Vocational Training exceeded one million students for the first time in 2021, the progression has been maintained over time and reaches 1,132,364 young people this academic year, 4.9% more (52,397). It is the educational stage that is growing the most and that starts this week in the majority of the autonomous communities.

FP is one of the bets of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training; In 2022, it carried out the new law that regulates these teachings and provided it with an economic memory of more than 5,000 million euros.

Among its objectives is the transformation of vocational training to improve its quality, adapt it to the real needs of the Spanish business fabric and bring the numbers of middle technical managers in the country closer to those of the rest of the European Union.