She is 41 years old, was born in Tarragona, lives in Reus (she travels by Renfe), graduated in Environmental Sciences (UdG), is married and is the mother of Blai (2).

Tell me about your grandmothers.

From the Badajoz countryside. My mother arrived in Tarragona when she was 15 years old. My grandfather was a shepherd there and here he was a bricklayer.

And his parents?

My father, a bricklayer and trade unionist: he went to prison for the last time when I was nine years old, for several days.

Did that mark you?

It conditioned me: my parents, who have never sold themselves to the system, repeated to me: “Study, study! You will reach activism.”

Were there posters in your teenage bedroom?

Folder from the Vale magazine of the hotties of the moment.

What did you want to be when you grew up?


When did you enter politics?

After graduating I participated in the Assembly in Defense of Housing, in the feminist movement… and ended up in the CUP.

How many live at home?

My partner, my son and me.

When you open your eyes, what makes you get out of bed?

My son Blai. Because of him my fight for a just world makes more sense: one that has quality public services and a full life.

Do you have breakfast?

A piece of fruit, a coffee with oat milk and a toast with cheese and turkey.

At the end of the day you come home, and what is the first thing you do?

I hug Blai, who is waiting for me. And to my partner. He left a backpack, shoes… And slippers and pajamas.


At half past nine, child lying down. And at eleven o’clock we have already fallen, and to bed. I sleep well.

Do you cook?

I don’t like cooking or cleaning. Yes to my partner. I would only make salads, vegetables, pasta.

What dish does your partner embroider?

Noodle casserole.

If you go out at night: what do you drink?

A margarita… But I haven’t drunk alcohol for more than three years now, because of my motherhood.

Look in the mirror: what part of your body do you like the most?

The legs.

And what part would you change?

I reserve it for myself.

When dressing, any pet peeves?

Nothing from the Inditex brand!

Why, woman?

Amancio Ortega conditions state policy and precarious conditions for his employees.

Tell him something from here.

Stop exploiting people and share your wealth!

And to Karl Marx, what would you say?

“How right you were, Karl!”

Yeah? Does she still have it today?

Marx’s ideas are more relevant than ever.

Does your partner give you things?

A ring for our 10 years together, with Blai’s date of birth engraved inside.

And what do you give him?

Four photo albums that compile trips taken together.

Do you have a genius? He gets angry?

Yes. I also know how to make myself happy, huh? I live everything with intensity.

Do you hate something?

Yes, abundance in the few hands and poverty in the majority.

Would you kill for your ideas?

Man, here I would say no.

What will your Blai study?

I would like him to study higher, but without putting pressure on him.

How much money do you earn a year?

I’m left with 2,300 euros a month. Another part is for the CUP: for all types of projects.

Can you save?

Little but yes.

You’ll tell me how you do it…

I do not smoke. I don’t go out. Scantily clad…

How many hours per week do you hire domestic service?

Two hours a week.

Do you have a second residence?


How is your health?


Living will: do you have it?

I will do that.

About euthanasia, what does it say?

Totally in favor.

What is there after death?

Nothing, I think. We are here to live this life and leave a mark.

Are there aliens?

Maybe, let’s not be pretentious.

Something supernatural experienced?

Just some coincidences.


They didn’t baptize me.

And the first communion?

I didn’t do it.

Bless the table?



I’ve tried… but it’s hard for me to leave my mind blank.

Have you thought about his funeral?

A muixaranga will play the Valencian anthem: it is beautiful, and typical of the Catalan countries!

In your free time, what?

I exercise: push-ups, sit-ups, yoga, sun salutations… And I see friends. My partner and I look for a space for ourselves at least once a month.

What music touches you deeply?

Rachmaninov’s Concerto No. 2. And Beethoven’s Ninth.

Any memorable trips?

To the Saharawi camps. And to Northern Ireland.

What is your pending trip?

Venezuela! I would like to see your revolutionary process.

Jump then to Cuba, you will see more.

I would like that too.

Has any book left its mark on you?

I read Montserrat Roig’s trilogy as a young feminist.

What would you ask her?

“How did you deal with the contradictions of being a woman?”

Let’s go to the cinema…

Land and Freedom, by Ken Loach. And the Lord of the Rings trilogy!

His favorite drug is…

I smoked some joint years ago. Now not even a drink: I breastfeed.

Do you have a motto?

What Marx said: the capitalist system tends to destroy nature and human beings.

Does capitalism kill, then?


Does communism not kill?

Because it says?

The history of the USSR…

From that specific experience we could well keep several of its advances…

Ah, well tell me one.

The first abortion law in Europe was approved.

Criticize the USSR.

The persecution of dissent within their own ranks: unacceptable.

Gulag Archipelago.

It is never acceptable to pursue internal dissent.

Pursue the opponent, yes?

We must fight the adversary, obviously!

Would they take me to the Gulag?

No! We will not make a Gulag in La Mussara, do not fear.

If you had not been born Catalan, where would you choose to have been born?

I would have chosen the Euskal Herria of the 70s.