ERC is spreading suspicions about the PSC candidate for the Parliamentary elections, Salvador Illa. The socialist appears this afternoon before the Congressional investigation commission into the fraudulent purchase of masks, in what is known as the Koldo case. Laura Vilagrà, vice president of the Government, was the first to open fire this morning in La Oriol Junqueras did so shortly after, in a press appearance, and assured that if links between the former Minister of Health and “corruption” are demonstrated, “a red line” would be marked for any pact.

Junqueras has time and again avoided answering what pacts his formation would be open to after the May 12 elections. Neither with Junts nor with the PSC has he clarified his position. He alone has dared to rule out any type of agreement when asked about the possibility that Illa could end up being affected by the Koldo case. He has done so, furthermore, insisting that “Esquerra is a party with 93 years of history and no case of corruption.”

“We are our values ​​and our actions (…), and for us the fight against corruption is a value and surely everyone can imagine how red this [red] line has to be for us,” stated the president. of CKD.

With Junts, Junqueras has once again been ambiguous and has avoided getting involved in any agreement with Carles Puigdemont. The Republican has confirmed that JxCat left the Government in October 2022. “For a country it is good to have a government that is as solid as possible (…) and I believe that the majority of political parties in the world try to be responsible with their society by not abandoning the governments in times of difficulty, in times of crisis,” Junqueras has limited himself to saying about possible and future pacts after the elections. A responsibility that he has also demanded in the Parliament and has disgraced the post-convergents who did not support the Generalitat’s 2024 budgets.

The election campaign officially begins this Thursday night. The president of ERC has appeared to report on the pact with Comunistes de Catalunya, which has Yasmina Sánchez as number 18 on the Esquerra list for the Parliamentary elections.

Junqueras has also congratulated Bildu for its results yesterday in the Euskadi elections. For the Republican, the fact that the nationalist left managed to tie in seats with the PNV “is historic” and he has assured that it is the result of the will of Basque society “to move towards national plenitude and independence and in social policies, two objectives that ERC shares.”