Janel Grant delays Vince McMahon, WWE lawsuit at Justice Department’s request

Janel Grant, the plaintiff in a lawsuit against Vince McMahon, WWE, and John Laurinaitis, has agreed to temporarily halt her legal proceedings. This decision comes in response to a request from the US Attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York, which is conducting a non-public investigation into the matter.

Ann Callis, Grant’s attorney, confirmed that her client has agreed to the request to stay the litigation. She stated, “Ms. Grant has consented to a request by the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York to stay her case against Mr. McMahon, WWE, and Mr. Laurinaitis, pursuant to a pending non-public investigation. We will cooperate with all appropriate next steps.”

The pause in the lawsuit follows reports from The Wall Street Journal and ABC News in February about a criminal investigation by the US Attorney’s office into allegations of sexual misconduct and sex trafficking involving McMahon.

In response to the developments, McMahon’s lawyer, Jessica Rosenberg, issued a statement expressing confidence in refuting Grant’s allegations. Rosenberg stated, “We remain confident the evidence will prove Ms. Grant’s allegations are false and her complaint is nothing more than a fabricated, vindictive narrative from a disgruntled former girlfriend.”

According to a source close to the case, the stay is expected to last for six months. This delay comes as the Justice Department continues its investigation into the allegations against McMahon, WWE, and Laurinaitis. The outcome of this investigation will likely have significant implications for the ongoing legal battle between Grant and the defendants.

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.