Imanol Arias continues to spend his days waiting to find out what happens with the Treasury. The actor from ‘Cuéntame cómo pasó’ has pending accounts with the Spanish Tax Agency, according to the investigation that is being carried out against him and his co-star Ana Duato. Both are accused of crimes of tax evasion, with Arias facing a sentence of 27 years in prison and a fine of 10 million euros. However, he seems relaxed.

The actor was asked by Europa Press about it during the celebration of an awards ceremony. Beyond the latest ups and downs that his partner has suffered in recent months, including the annulment of a fine of 500,000 euros after the Treasury made a mistake by demanding payment of his already paid settlements; Imanol has not shown an iota of concern in this regard: “I am happy and calm.”

“Finally you are absolutely right, all this is over,” the interpreter deepened before the microphones. In contrast to Ana Duato, who constantly denounced the situation she is experiencing with the Spanish Treasury, Arias tried to show a calmer demeanor at all times, trying not to get over the situation. While waiting for all these problems to be resolved, the man from Riaño also had the opportunity to talk about his career and his family.

The actor was very happy to have been able to do something that he loves so much for a very extended period. “For forty years we have been lucky enough to work all the time in the trade and retire, die working, which is what, if you like this, you generally want,” were his words. Precisely in terms of work and life, the actor also had a heartfelt memory for Mari Carmen and her dolls.

“Either he is remembered now or soon, like everyone else. We will not be remembered, it is normal. I see it in colleagues who have died a few years ago. I believe that in this of ours, the legacy that one leaves is the little ones milestones you achieve in your life, not the memory you leave. The memory disappears immediately. Besides, it doesn’t matter once you’ve died. What do you care what they think? Except yours”, were his heartfelt statements.

Arias also had time to discuss his family and, in particular, the fact that his children have chosen the same path as him. The actor from ‘Cuéntame’ inquired about how he felt about his children by entering the world of acting: “Well, if they are happy and it is what they have chosen, I am happy with life because that is life: that everyone world do what you want.”