The president of Argentina, Javier Milei, began this Wednesday the extravagant presentation of his new book at the Luna Park stadium in Buenos Aires by singing his unofficial anthem, Panic Show, alongside a rock band made up of some of his closest collaborators. The ultraliberal began the presentation of Capitalism, Socialism and the Neoclassical Trap, an hour and a half later than scheduled, at 9:27 p.m. local time (00:27 GMT on Thursday).

The show, paid for by the publisher that publishes his book in Argentina – to which the president transferred his copyright until the debt for renting the venue was paid – was an unprecedented moment in the South American country, accustomed to leaders identified with populism. .

The president, who had initially planned to present his latest economic manual at the 48th edition of the Buenos Aires Book Fair, arrived on the stage of the legendary Buenos Aires pavilion with his usual attire: a leather trench coat and a black suit.

Luna Park, the scene of concerts, boxing fights and basketball games – among them, one in which former President Carlos Menem (1989-1999) participated during his term – was the scene of an unclassifiable political event attended by several thousands of followers of the president.

Among the audience, absolutely dedicated to Milei, there was no shortage of the staunchest supporters of “the ideas of freedom” and of the president: lions, transcripts of Milei himself, of the comic character Zorro – defined by the libertarian as an “anarcho-capitalist hero.” ”- or the former US president and Republican candidate for the White House, Donald Trump (2017-2021).

The attendees covered Argentine rock hits, waved numerous banners and chants against the former Argentine president Cristina Fernández (2007-2015) or against the head of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez. ‘Pedro, compadre, your mother’s pussy!’, Milei’s followers repeated before a smiling and mocking Milei, whose statements in Madrid against the wife of the socialist leader, Begoña Gómez, have triggered a diplomatic crisis between both countries.

After a walk among the enthusiastic audience, Milei began the show with the Benegas Lynch brothers, members of La Libertad Avanza, the far-right political force led by him, and one of his biographers: a ‘concert’, shorter than expected. planned, in which he sang ‘Panic Show’, by the Argentine rock group La Renga. “Hello everyone, I am the lion, the beast roared in the middle of the avenue,” shouted Milei, who invited the group’s chorus girl to join her performance.

After the stormy recital, the libertarian gave an extensive speech in which he outlined the main ideas of his book. Minutes passed and references to the economists of the Austrian School, Milei’s favorite, followed one another without pause amid the confusion and incomprehension of some attendees, who demanded more speed.

At this point, Milei brought out his heavy artillery for an audience that had been concentrated in the vicinity of Luna Park for almost twelve hours. She referred to abortion as a “murderous agenda” and compared it to the “massacre of Jews” by the ancient Egyptians; She called the Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini “a left-wing man,” and blamed the “damned state” and “socialist do-goodism” for global misery.

In the ‘VIP zone’ of the public, Milei had most of his cabinet – among them, Vice President Victoria Villarruel, and the Minister of Security and Milei’s rival at the polls in November, Patricia Bullrich -; entrepreneurs and opinion leaders on social networks.

After almost an hour of speech, the president faced the second part of the event with less joy: a dialogue with the deputy of his political force, José Luis Espert; and the presidential spokesman, Manuel Adorni. With Espert, with whom he has experienced political ups and downs in recent years, he starred in several “humorous” moments not always endorsed by the laughter of the public.

He quoted Spanish singer Nino Bravo to praise one of his most famous songs, Libre, and compared himself to the captain of the world champion Argentine soccer team, Lionel Messi. “You are going to see an Argentina match, the match is wonderful. Full stands, light blue and white flags. If they put the ball in the middle of the field, no matter how much they shout, it won’t move,” the President compared. And he added: “They need the players to move the ball and the goals are scored by Messi.”

Between anecdote and anecdote, the initial expectation was replaced by the excessive and hectic acceleration in the last minutes. “Long live freedom, damn it!” Milei concluded in front of a Luna Park that had begun to empty much earlier.