* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

This is how the day began in Barcelona, ​​with banks of very low strata entering from the sea over the city, as can be seen in this series of photographs in Las Fotos de los Lectores de La Vanguardia.

They have not completely covered the city and have quickly retreated out to sea when the sun has risen. The images have been captured from the Observatori Fabra.

The base of the strata is found up to about 800 meters. As can be seen, it is a layer of clouds with a great horizontal extension, but with very little vertical development.

These low clouds can completely cover the sky and are basically grey, more or less dark.

These low stratus clouds are made up of water droplets, although they are not related to significant precipitation. In fact, as we can see in the images, it is not strange that these clouds can be confused with fog (even “high fog” is known).