Former Vice President Pablo Iglesias has stated that Podemos must have “high vision” and “defend the unity” of the left, despite the “nothing” and “insults” they receive in the face of the broad front process in the progressive space that is has opened with the launch of Sumar.

In fact, he has ruled that he is aware that there are militants who feel “offended” and “hurt”, or who demand “respect” for the purple formation, but has called on “defending the identity” of the party, which continues with the an outstretched hand, because it is necessary for that unity, even if it is not always “simple and easy”.

This has been conveyed by the former leader of the party during his speech at one of the discussion tables, dedicated to international geopolitics, within the framework of the ‘Spring Festival’ that Podemos displays in Zaragoza.

The appointment comes marked by the tension between Podemos and Sumar after the absence of the purple ones at the launch of the candidacy of the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, on April 2, after not signing before a basic and bilateral pact of confluence with Sum over open primaries.

Iglesias, who has never cited Díaz and his platform or other formations, has understood that there is a certain discomfort in the party bases when they see that they are “insulted” and “disparaged” from all the “media cannons”.

Despite this, Iglesias has called on Podemos to “demonstrate that walking together is a condition for the possibility of things changing” and its key role in promoting the great pending transformations of the country, especially when there are “covers” and voices that “invite to that break.”

“We must continue to reach out despite the insults, the neglect and the contempt, because there is something much more important than the dignity of all this militancy, to continue trying to transform and stop, despite all the difficulties, a process of involution in Europe”, has sentenced.

Iglesias, who has been greeted with applause by the attendees, has extolled that the formation has suffered in recent months from a strategy of “wear and tear” in the “umpteenth attempt to kill Podemos” and to try to “achieve” that it does not exist.

Some attacks that, in his opinion, lie in the fact that Podemos is an example of affirming things “where it is uncomfortable to say it”, in the Government, because speaking to “ruthless capitalists”, such as the president of Mercadona Juan Roig, about the departure of Ferrovial or that NATO serves the interests of the United States acquires “value” when they are said from the Executive.

And on this point he has highlighted that the current leader of Podemos, Ione Belarra, has demonstrated the “political importance” of saying what he thinks within the Executive and not in party spheres, in line with the promotional video of the formation a few years ago days where he alluded to other ministers putting themselves in profile.

“In politics, the importance of what is said has to do with the place where it is said”, he has deepened to wonder that if Podemos did not exist today, there would be someone with the capacity to build that discourse.

He has also praised that Belarra is capable of launching his position on the war in Ukraine and at the same time promoting an agreement to deploy the best housing law in history, aware of the importance of the relationship with Bildu and ERC to achieve an agreement that, In his opinion, the PSOE “doesn’t like it” and proof of this is that the former socialist minister Joan Clos is the president of the real estate employers’ association.

Therefore, he has lectured that what happened yesterday should lead “many colleagues” to understand that although Bildu and ERC “are not electoral allies, they are strategic allies” to continue changing things, in the face of the “mermaid songs” of assuming a variable geometry in Congress.

What’s more, he has deepened that other evidence of this priority alliance is the tight approval of the labor reform, which went ahead due to the error of the former deputy of the PP Alberto Casero, or that the repeal of the ‘Gag Law’ declined, where the left ended to “smacks” with a vote that the PSOE forced despite being aware that there was no pact.

On the other hand, he has warned that the war in Ukraine and the role of NATO threatens the “constitutive bases” of European democracies, since he appreciates that the conflict is leading to “discipline mechanisms” for those who go out to criticize the Alliance Atlantic.

He has also criticized the attitude of the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, after a recent meeting with the Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, interpreting that he even “praised the political harmony” with the immigration policy of the “Italian fascist government”. And it is that he has opined that praising Meloni reveals that European democracy is at risk.