Can you interpret my handwriting if I write you a few lines right now?

Of course. And I won’t charge you, because maybe my analysis will serve to guide readers.

What do you look for to start with?

In the pressure on the pen when writing. I have brought a magnifying glass to scrutinize, in addition, the pressure on the paper with which you write.

And the one with this letter seems normal to you?

In excessive pressure on paper, we appreciate the stresses that the writer has suffered in growing up and their ambition to leave their mark on life. In addition, in the stroke we could appreciate pathologies or addictions, such as alcoholism or cocaine…

Don’t scare me.

I had mine analyzed myself and that’s how they found an ovarian cyst after that sudden excessive pressure revealed that I was suffering from some kind of disease.

What other pathologies does the lyrics reveal?

The depression is appreciated in the descending base of the line and in descending signatures.

After the pressure, what do you analyze?

The margins: both in the line spacing and in the interletter or interword: the analytical capacity of the writer, for example, can be seen in that their interletter is greater…

And if I have a small letter?

It would denote observation capacity to appreciate the nuances and details.

What if I leave a lot of space between words?

I would say that this capacity for observation is manifested in the face of great complex realities; but it can reach the point where the interspace is so wide that it reveals a tendency to delay this reflection until contemplation and, finally, passivity.

Would it be that bad?

If the handwriting analysis is entrusted to me by a company that expects quick and decisive decisions from you…, well, yes for her.

Do you appreciate my good handwriting?

It is irrelevant whether a letter “is beautiful” or not, perhaps it is that it is understandable. For the rest, as a graphologist I will never judge him; but I will describe him according to his handwriting. We do not judge: we analyze.

And those huge ovals in my handwriting?

Large print indicates extroversion.

Also if it is angular?

The angle, the pointed letter, is typical of personalities usually in tension and who usually seek to impose themselves.

And if, instead, it is curved?

It tends, more than to defeat the brave, to convince, even in some cases to manipulate.

And if it is very inclined?

The inclination of the letter in the one who writes denotes his disposition in front of others and also at work, of course.

In what sense?

If you tend to write so that your letters lean to the left, it is because it is more suitable for the office and to stay behind, the study room, logistics… than, for example, sales.

Does public relations lean their letters to the right?

Absolutely, and it is a note that companies appreciate when I analyze manuscripts for personnel selection.

Can your graphology be applied to manuscripts in any language?

Not only is it relevant to any language, but I myself have analyzed writings commissioned by companies from candidates for office of different nationalities and I would dare to characterize them without intending to set a chair: just as mere notes from my own experience.


I had to examine the manuscripts of Italian candidates for a position in a Spanish company and I was surprised at how common the double round was in the a …

In the a?

Yes, and we interpret that it denotes extreme attachment to the mother figure.


The spider mother. I also detected in Chinese candidates for a position in a Spanish multinational a certain intellectual rigidity…

In Chinese calligraphy?

They were texts in English. Until the Chinese we have not yet arrived, but it will have its analyzable features, without a doubt. And, also, without intending to generalize, regarding Colombians…

I hope I don’t fall into clichés.

I was just going to say that I appreciated in them a consummate capacity for simulation – their culture makes them great actors – that we Europeans generally lack.

Why did you become a graphologist?

For love. I fell in love with graphology upon hearing an accomplished professional passionately describe it in a talk she gave us in college.

His references in the discipline?

Teachers Jaume Tutusaus and Juan Allende del Campo have updated graphology from experience with the most modern techniques.