85% of people are not satisfied with their work. In many cases, they have ended up exercising a profession that does not enrich them due to a lack of guidance when deciding their career. Wavekup was born to alleviate this situation and help young people get to know each other in order to orient themselves professionally. It is an initiative of the entrepreneur Sonia Solà, who had the idea of ??creating this platform after experiencing herself the dissatisfaction of dedicating herself to something that did not fulfill her.

“I spent 15 years working on something I wasn’t born to do,” explains Solà. “At 40 I managed to reconnect with the girl I was and who wanted to be a singer. I don’t want the same thing to happen to young people,” she adds. This is how he decided to promote this project, which has been mentored by the TecnoCampus Mataró through the Innoemprèn program.

Wavekup is defined as a multichannel platform for career guidance and personal growth. It is aimed at adolescents between 13 and 18 years old with the aim of helping them discover themselves, their motivations and the studies and training that are most suitable for them.

The platform brings the world of work closer to young people through video-interviews with professionals who explain their work and which can be seen on the Wavekup website and social networks. As well as the different studies, for example, on the web you can see a video entitled “the truth about ADE”, in which a professional and professor in this field explains what they will find if they study this degree and lists the professional opportunities they have.

On the other hand, they organize workshops to help adolescents get to know each other better and be able to guide their interests towards a professional career. And it is that even today, only 38% of secondary and high school students are clear about their studies, according to a study by DigitalES. The consequence is school dropout in 17% of cases (in Catalonia).

To promote Wavekup, Solà’s participation in the Innoemprèn program was key. “Here I had to work on the concept of the minimum viable product, and I realized that mine was to create a website and social networks. I realized the importance of direct training and started the workshops”, he explains. This is how he began to carry out self-knowledge and orientation workshops for individuals and institutes in the Maresme and Barcelona, ??and now he already has collaborators who carry out the same workshop in different parts of Spain.

One of the webinars that Sónia carried out, aimed at mothers of adolescents, made her see the need to advise adults and help them in their relationship with young people. This is how the “Wavekup Teen Mothers Club” was born, a meeting and learning place.

In this online space, webinars are offered on issues such as helping young people choose their studies, efficient communication with adolescent children or emotional management with young people.

Currently, Wavekup is part of the TecnoCampus business incubator and, after the validation process and launch of the platform, it is ready to scale. Another of the challenges of the project, explains Solà, is to publicize it in order to reach more young people and, at the same time, turn it into a business.