
Grilling Hot Dogs: A Simple Trick for Better Results

Many Americans enjoy eating hot dogs, especially during the summer months. If you want to elevate your hot dog grilling game, there’s a surprising trick that can help you achieve better results.

Instead of just throwing a hot dog on the grill, try freezing it until it’s solid. This may sound unusual, but it’s a method that has gained popularity recently. Once the hot dog is frozen, use a vegetable peeler to shave it into bouncy curls before air-frying it. This unique approach can enhance the texture and flavor of the hot dog.

While there are other elaborate techniques showcased in viral videos, such as slicing hot dogs into ringlets or creating intricate patterns on them, these methods may not always be worth the effort. In a series of tests conducted with different types of hot dogs on various grilling surfaces, the most reliable way to achieve consistently delicious hot dogs was surprisingly simple and did not involve any fancy gadgets or techniques.

All you need is a flame, a grate, and tongs to get started. Here are three essential tips to keep in mind for perfectly grilled hot dogs:

1. Start with a frozen hot dog: Freezing the hot dog solid before grilling can help it retain its shape and juiciness.

2. Use a vegetable peeler: Shave the frozen hot dog into curls with a vegetable peeler for a unique texture.

3. Keep it simple: You don’t need any complex methods or tools to grill a delicious hot dog. Stick to the basics for the best results.

By following these straightforward tips, you can enjoy perfectly sizzled and snappy hot dogs without any unnecessary complications. So, the next time you fire up the grill, consider trying this unexpected trick for better grilling results.