* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

This morning the landscape of the Sau reservoir, which by the way is gradually gaining water, was so dominated by flowers and plants that it looks like a garden, as can be seen in the Photos of the Readers of La Vanguardia.

If previously, with the persistent drought, it looked more like a desert, now it has given way to a spring floral landscape, except that it will fill with water again if it continues to rain.

If we walk through the reservoir we can admire the flowers of this garden that are growing spontaneously, a vegetation among which the queen is the poppy, with its characteristic red color.

With the last rains, the reservoir gradually fills up after a long time and the green appears, as well as the colors of the wild flowers.

Even so, the traces of the drought continue to be very evident in Sau, with the remains of the old town of Sant Romà, with the church as its emblem, and also the visible sedimentation.

It is as if the reservoir has been turned into an archaeological site, now surrounded by an unexpected garden of spring wildflowers and plants.