The Civil Guard has arrested in Valencia four men between the ages of 30 and 68 dedicated to stealing high-end vehicles on request throughout Spain and for whom the court has ordered their entry into prison.

As reported by the Civil Guard on Tuesday, thanks to this operation, this criminal group has been completely dismantled and twelve crimes have been clarified, in addition to recovering three vehicles, worth approximately 1,150,000 euros, and preventing the theft of another four .

The detainees are charged with the crimes of belonging to a criminal organization, theft of high-end vehicles, document falsification, against industrial property, discovery and disclosure of secrets and drug trafficking.

The alleged perpetrators of the events received the brand and model of the cars to be stolen to locate them in the most exclusive urbanizations in the country; once located, they placed a GPS device to know the owner’s routine and control the vehicle at all times.

Once they knew the movements, they took advantage of the ideal moment to steal it and acted equipped with a multitude of electronic and mechanical devices such as frequency inhibitors and opening systems that disabled the alarm systems.

Once the vehicle was stolen, it was parked for several days and in different areas to check that it did not have any tracking system, and after the “cooling-off” period it was deposited in a secure garage.

Subsequently, the vehicle was masked for sale on the international illicit market. To do this, the organization installed “folded” license plates, prepared false documentation associated with those plates and programmed opening keys with the anagram of the vehicle’s brand, unofficial, to facilitate its sale.

During the operation, three house searches have been carried out in the Valencian towns of Bellreguard, Daimús and Gandia, where false vehicle documentation, “folded” license plates, mobile phones, geolocation devices and detectors have been seized. programming consoles, OBD connectors, frequency inhibitors, SIM cards with fictitious identities, cocaine and 13,000 euros in cash, among other effects.

The operation has been carried out by agents of the Gandia Judicial Police Team of the Civil Guard and the proceedings have been delivered to the Court of First Instance and Instruction Number 2 of Dénia, which has ordered the imprisonment of the four detainees.