* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In La Vanguardia Readers’ Photos we can relive the last fog tsunami recorded at the gates of the Garraf coast. The optical effect invited you to photograph this wonder of nature.

Coastal fog usually occurs especially in spring and summer, but the weather this year is crazy, as they say colloquially, so it is not strange that it manifests itself in autumn.

This phenomenon is the result of advection fog, which forms when relatively warm, moist air passes over a cold surface.

Fog refers to the suspension of small water droplets that produce visibility of less than 1 km. As you can see in the images, it is about to engulf the ships.

When it comes to weather forecasts for the general public, when the term “fog” is used it usually refers to visibility of less than 180 metres.