Busy early morning in some parts of central Andalusia due to the intense rains recorded in the last few hours and, although municipal workers are working hard to clean the mud from public roads before the storm returns, it will take a few days to return to normality and erase the bad memory of the destruction caused by the rainfall this Friday.

Constantina, a municipality in the Sierra Norte of Seville, is a good example of this. The town was flooded when it could not absorb the almost 60 liters per square meter that fell in just 15 minutes; Fuensanta de Martos, in the Sierra Sur de Jaén, endured an impressive hail storm the size of a golf ball; while in Cordoba’s Subbética some secondary roads in Priego de Córdoba, Almedinilla and Montilla were closed.

For now, and throughout the day, the State Meteorological Agency will keep the yellow alert for storms active in the region, except in Cádiz, where the warning in force is due to the risk of rain. Precipitation will shower Granada throughout the day while in Almería, Córdoba, Jaén and Seville the alert will remain in effect until 9:00 p.m.

In just a quarter of an hour, public roads became veritable rivers of water and mud after collecting up to 60 liters per square meter. Some of the streets in this mountain municipality of Seville were completely flooded and many businesses and many other houses were flooded.

The flood of mud and mud even caused the collapse of one of the walls of an oil cooperative in the town, damage that has yet to be quantified. What cannot be assessed is the fear experienced by some of the neighbors who saw how the water entered their homes and destroyed everything in its path. It was the municipality’s own garbage containers that, dragged by the force of the water current, blocked the sewers.

The Aemet forecasts were not wrong: the storm would reach Jaén and in the province many municipalities have suffered heavy hail. Hail the size of a golf ball that was captured by many neighbors during the early morning. It is in this town in Jaen where the storm has hit hardest: flooded streets, overflowing stream beds and some roads blocked.

Also in Alcalá la Real the situation is complicated. Although the water has not flooded homes, it has only reached their entrances, the streams have overflowed, dragging, in addition to mud, many stones that hinder the mobility of neighbors, citizens who are working against the clock before the storm hits. leave images as impressive as the rays that illuminated last night. Here more than 80 liters have been recorded in one hour, and although the water has not caused significant damage to the infrastructure, it has generated a multitude of incidents.

Up to 100 liters per square meter accumulated in different parts of the Córdoba province. The Subbética area was the most affected by this storm with electrical discharges that lasted for more than two hours.

There were specific cuts on some secondary roads, such as in Priego de Córdoba, where the road became impassable, as well as in La Rambla, Montalbán or Santaella. In Almedinilla, for its part, the museum was affected by the waterspout, as well as a house, whose structure was damaged. At this same point, the spring that supplies water to the city was blocked and the supply has been suspended, at least for the moment, considering that the water is not suitable for human consumption.

But the most dangerous situation this morning occurred in Montilla, specifically on the CO-4207 highway that connects this town with Montalbán, due to the overflowing of the Salado stream where a father and his daughter were surprised by the storm and had to be helped by firefighters.

The weather forecast for this weekend in the community anticipates rain, which is generating concern in these areas affected by the storm this morning since, despite the tireless work of municipal workers and employees of the provincial councils, as well as the neighbors who are busy cleaning the streets, the next rainfall may arrive before the situation experienced this Friday can be redirected and the damage caused until then can be repaired.