The Figueres government team plans to have the new garbage contract awarded in the spring of next year.

The mayor, Jordi Masquef, says he is preparing the specifications and they hope to have them ready within three months to take them for approval.

Masquef warns that this is a “very complex” contract and warns citizens that, although it is approved at the beginning of next year, it will take a few months for “the change to be noticed.” “These large companies work with zero stock until the machinery arrives,” he says.

This Thursday’s plenary session will approve a new extension of the service currently provided by Ecoserveis beyond October of this year and an addendum to the agreement with Educació for the construction of the new Carme Guasch school.

The change includes transferring the annuity of 1.5 million euros budgeted for 2023 to 2027 taking into account that the project has not yet been executed. The agreement with the Generalitat established that the city council transferred the land and the Government assumed 90% of the cost of the work (to be returned to the City Council) in three annual installments and up to a maximum of 5.22 million euros.

The mayor recalls that the previous government team has not even put out to tender the drafting of the executive project and that, in addition, part of the financing for the 2023 annuity was contingent (about 500,000 euros) on the sale of the Nouvilas house, whose auction has been deserted.

Masquef also criticizes that it was agreed that the Generalitat would only assume 90% and not 100% of the costs but says that “the provisional situation” with which the center lives – in barracks – “must end.”

In this sense, he remembers that there is a dispute that hangs over the modification of the planning to make the center possible and admits that “it is a sword of Democulos” that prevents taking steps forward.

However, he says that doors should not be closed nor should it be ruled out, if necessary, finding a new location. “If it had to be me, I would like it to be built where we have the guarantee that it should be done faster,” he says.

The new garbage contract could be a reality in the spring of next year. This has been stated by the mayor of Figueres. He explained that they are working on the specifications, which they plan to complete within a period of about four months.

Masquef, however, warns that it is a “very complex” contract and that they cannot “afford the luxury” of there being a challenge again like the one that occurred in 2019. “We must play it safe and even more so taking into account “It is the largest contract that the City Council has signed in recent years, it amounts to many millions of euros,” says Masquef.

In this sense, he details that a “very large” lot will be put out to tender with the collection of waste but that they propose that there be a “smaller” one so that they can apply for special work centers such as the Fundació Altem, which works with disabilities.

On the other hand, Masquef warns that even though the contract is awarded when expected, we will have to wait between 7 and 8 months to see “changes.” “They are companies that work with zero stock and until the machinery arrives…”, says the mayor.

While this does not happen, the plenary session will approve this Thursday a new extension of the service so that Ecoserveis continues providing the service beyond October 2.

Finally, the plenary session will approve the creation of the sectoral council called “Commissioner for railway transformation”.

This commissioner, led by former mayor Joan Armangué, must address the transformation of the city in the coming years.

It is expected to be made up of prominent names in the infrastructure field such as Ricard Font, Manel Nadal or Pere Macias. Masquef says that the commissioner must address, among other things, the transformation of the western sector.