Two and a half hours after the appearance of Pedro Sánchez to announce that the five-day reflection that has kept the question of his possible resignation was resolved with the announcement that he will continue “with even more force if possible” at the head of the Government, the head of the opposition, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has come forward announcing that he rules out presenting a motion of censure and demanding an early election.

After a meeting of the steering committee in which the PP leadership followed Sánchez’s reasoning, the president of the PP explained that “no matter what is extended”, Sánchez’s mandate has reached its “epilogue”, For this reason, he has demanded that he call the polls: “He may prolong the agony and decay, but his project is over,” declared the president of the PP.

“Spain needs a new time and can no longer find it in the past,” argued Feijóo, who sees it necessary in these circumstances “a new democratic government with a president who is at his level.” And, in this sense, he has criticized Sánchez’s “flight forward”, after which, from the opposition leader’s point of view, he encourages the desire for a “regime change”. “He wants us Spaniards to resign from democracy, but we are not going to remain silent,” he said about the president’s announcement of a “full stop” for the sake of the political “regeneration” of Spain.

In this sense, Feijóo has stated that “the one who threatens democracy is the one who wants to impose a project of pure power without limits”, which is what, in his opinion, Sánchez intends, who seeks, according to the PP’s analysis of the declaration of the President of the Government, “prevent control” of his management by equally legitimate powers, such as the opposition, the courts or the media, which are not actors in any “persecution”, he has assured, but rather form part of “democratic normality.”

For the PP, Sánchez’s five days of reflection have been nothing more than a performance, a “theater” in which the King has even appeared as an “extra.” But Feijóo has denounced that the cause of this situation, which he has fixed on the “corruption of the party, the government and the environment” of Sánchez, remains unresolved, because the leader of the PSOE has not offered the answers that the PP comes to him. demanding since the outbreak of the Koldo case.

“If there has been no resignation or explanations, what has happened?” , Fejióo has asked himself. “The threats of a cornered president who has wanted to unite his people at the cost of dividing Spain in two,” he himself responded, to end up defining “with me or against me” as the formula that Sánchez applies in his administration, the same one with which “the darkest pages” of the country’s history have been written, he has analyzed.

Thus, the PP considers what has happened in the last five days an attempt to divert the focus from reality, “but Spanish society is not going to be fooled,” reiterated Feijóo, for whom Sánchez’s real problem is is the investigation into the Koldo case that is being carried out in the Court of Justice of the European Union, the National Court and the parliamentary committees, especially the Senate, a chamber in which the PP enjoys an absolute majority.

“Sánchez cannot tolerate anything that does not agree with him: everything is subordinated to his pride and vanity, he needs to be acclaimed, but it has not happened as he wanted,” Feijóo exclaimed in one of the harshest moments of his speech against the president, whom he points out as a representative of “the Spain of the past”, the one whose leadership did not admit “reply”, in allusion to the pre-democratic authoritarianism to which the transition relegated.

“It is not the Spain that we have built,” stressed the opposition leader, for whom Sánchez, instead of defending the 1978 Constitution, tries to “emulate regimes that do not believe in full freedom”, such as, although he has not mentioned it, the Venezuelan, the PP’s usual nemesis. And he has gone even further by ensuring that the President of the Government “fears the polls”, which is why he has expressed his conviction that there will be no elections. “I know that he is not going to resign, and I am not going to present a motion of censure because he has bought the support of his partners with the dignity of all Spaniards,” he announced.

In any case, “the mobilization that Sánchez expected to continue has not taken place,” highlighted the president of the PP, so even if his “agony” is prolonged, sooner or later he will have to give in to the “wear and tear” he is suffering. “Where he sought respect, he has found ridicule. But there will come a time when he will have to listen to all Spaniards. Today he has lost a magnificent opportunity to leave. He has chosen the most unworthy path, because what he was looking for was polarization, victimization and not give explanations,” he concluded.