Alberto Núñez Feijóo believes that he was left alone in defense of the Transition, the Constitution and the framework of coexistence that the Spaniards established in 1978, and not because of the desire of the PP, but because of the abandonment of Pedro Sánchez, who in order to remain in the Government has betrayed, in his opinion, everything that the Magna Carta represents, to the point that it has allowed those who were a minority in that Transition, now to have more relevance than ever. For this reason, too, he warns about what may happen in the future, because “anything new towards the abyss is possible”.

Feijóo claimed “the great value that the Constitution bequeaths us” and denounced that “those opponents of freedom” today have a prominent role to the point of dominating the political agenda”, and what they do is “relentlessly try to erode the institutional bases of constitutional democracy”.

The president of the PP compared the current situation, from the institutional point of view, to a situation in which “those who were democratically defeated in the democratic transition, returned to the charge with the same purposes” and if before ” they did it frontally, now they do it obliquely”, but with an aggravating circumstance, that “they have the enthusiastic collaboration of the current leaders of Sánchez’s party, headed by the President of the Government”.

Núñez Feijóo considers that “although the government transfers are serious”, they are even more so “if the beneficiaries are taken into account”, who are, in his opinion, in some cases “politicians who have a recent history of sedition against democracy ” and in other cases, parties that “do not even firmly condemn the terrorism that for decades wanted to derail that very democracy”, and what is worse, he said, is done for “private, not public benefit”.

Among the seams that are trying to break the Constitution, in a game in which the President of the Government participates, are the aspirations of the independentistas, and for this reason Feijóo warned that the “right to decide does not apply when submitting to the State of all in exchange dictated by some minorities”, which also do not have electoral support, since the issues on which Sánchez is conceding to the independentistas, “did not appear in the programs of the main party that supports the Government”.

For Feijóo, the fact that these issues “were not part of the electoral commitment is a clear indication that it was feared that they would produce a broad rejection” from the Spanish.

Given these facts, Feijóo stands as a defender of those values ??that prevailed in the elaboration of the Constitution and of what that Transition meant, although he makes it clear that the defense of constitutional values ????is not “private of anyone”, but it is not ” an anachronism, nor an unfounded nostalgia”.

But in addition to defending the Constitution, “some of us are going to work so that it is not ephemeral”, Núñez Feijóo warns that “this framework can be broken”, not because of what “has happened and is happening, but above all because of what can happen “. According to the president of the PP, “it would be a mistake to assess the legal changes, those laws that defy common sense, in an isolated way”, because if a panoramic vision is adopted “it will be easy to reach the conclusion that they are trying to undermine those values that guarantee coexistence and freedom”. That is why we must be alert, because, Feijóo stressed, “nothing is impossible” and any new step towards the abyss is possible, precisely because that constitutional framework that establishes the limits, is questioned from the very instances of the Government”.

Among the institutions that try to undermine themselves, Feijóo made special mention of the Monarchy, which not only plays a key role in the Constitution, but also figures in a very decisive way in the Declaration of Gredos that the “fathers of the Constitution” made in 2003, situating the Monarchy as “guarantor and promoter of the process” and praise the “spirit of reconciliation and the eventual reforms that it should have with a comparable consensus”, something that, in his opinion, “would be impossible today”.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo contrasted this spirit of reconciliation with “the proliferation of political decisions and legislative initiatives that are raised against someone”, as is the case now, while with the Constitution “politics triumphed as a synonym of agreement”, since if something represents the Constitution of 78 is that “it was not raised against anyone, but in favor of everyone” which meant, he said, a “drastic break” with a good part of Spanish constitutionalism, where texts understood as “revenge” of some against others proliferate”.