The leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, recovered this Monday the PP’s toughest speech against nationalisms, which he accused of taking Spain “towards a horizon similar to that of the Balkans” and promised forcefulness against “unconditional surrender” and the “capitulation” of the acting president of the Government and PSOE candidate for the investiture, Pedro Sánchez, with which “the independence movement will obtain almost everything and Spain, nothing.”

When introducing the president of the Balearic Islands, Marga Prohens, in an informative meeting organized by Europa Press, the leader of the PP defended that “there is no formula superior to the autonomous one to guarantee diversity and equality at the same time.” “Spain organized its diversity by moving away from both centralism and nationalisms that take us towards the Middle Ages or towards a horizon similar to that of the Balkans,” he said.

Feijóo denounced how “the independence movement defeated at the polls now allies itself” with the unbridled ambition of those who have also been defeated at the polls.” All this, he stirred, “to together try to undermine the authentic diversity of Spain and the Spanish people.” “The serious thing about the situation we find ourselves in is not that there can be a more or less radical government program, no. It lies in the radical erosion of the State,” warned the PP leader.

Feijóo thus made a strong defense of the “cordial and egalitarian autonomy that has triumphed in Spain thanks to leaders like Marga Prohens.” “It is precisely this autonomy based on equality and cordiality that we now want to question,” deplored the leader of the party that won the general elections.

In the words of Feijóo, both the amnesty and self-determination or privileges in regional financing are matters of State “that are hidden from the will of the Spanish people.” “The objective is none other than to please the independence movement by disguising surrender to their demands with a distortion of language,” he asserted.

The leader of the PP recalled how the independence movement “led a coup against the State, a coup against the Constitution, a coup against the Spain of the autonomies.” His main motivation, he noted, was “to break the equality of Spaniards, to break the rule of law, to break the separation of powers and to silence the Catalans who want that tolerant diversity.”

He also recalled that at that time the constitutional and autonomist forces made common cause, the same as against the ‘Ibarretxe plan’, against terrorism in its time and before the coup d’état of 23-F. “Now, they repeat the attempt seeking the same objectives and they find someone willing to agree as long as they guarantee power,” he said.

In this way, Feijóo turned against Sánchez for calling “generosity” what is “an unconditional surrender” and “in which there is no counterpart.” “What does Spanish democracy get from Sánchez’s capitulation? Stability? Legal security? Guarantees that the independence movement will accept the rules of the democratic game? Nothing of that. The independence movement will obtain almost everything and Spain, nothing,” he analyzed.

Thus, Feijóo insisted that Spain is experiencing “an anomaly” due to the fact that the candidate for President of the Government “submits to legal arbitrariness” such as the amnesty, as well as to “an unconstitutional issue” such as the referendum. “and also checkout” taking into account the “economic privileges that some pay for and others use.”

At this point, he made special emphasis on the fact that “it is an anomaly that a party that is the heir to a terrorist group like Bildu becomes the mainstay of support for the investiture.” “We never thought we would see a candidate for the Presidency express his loyalty to Bildu deputies,” his message underlined.

“The price that Sánchez is willing to pay to Junts and ERC breaks the principle of equality and the price that he is willing to pay to Bildu ends the dignity that Spain has always had to fight against any terrorist action,” emphasized Feijóo, for whom This scenario is “improper and impossible in a European country.”

All this “great anomaly” requires “forcefulness,” he defended, promising that Spain will have “an ally” in a “strong” and “state” party like the PP. In this regard, he guaranteed that his party is willing to use “all the resources at its disposal to protect the nation, the Constitution and to guarantee the equality of citizens.”

Feijóo did not miss the opportunity to address the Spaniards who are “stunned” at everything that is happening. He especially appealed to those who “have suffered from extremism in all its forms” in Catalonia or the Basque Country, but also to PSOE voters who supported this party “to combat extremism.”

Along the same lines, PP deputy secretary Borja Semper explained, in the press conference after the steering committee meeting, the PP’s “concern about the Catalanization of Spanish politics, and concern about Spanish political division.” For the popular ones, “Spain runs the serious risk of political polarization contaminating Spanish society.”

Sémper refers to the negotiations for Sánchez’s investiture, which have the amnesty and the self-determination referendum as the main instruments of debate, and which in the opinion of the PP are causing a division in Spanish society”, something for which “they are delighted some, that there is this division”, so that “we cannot find ourselves different”, and a situation has been created in which “it no longer matters what is said, but who says it”, to accept or reject an argument political, or a political initiative.

In the opinion of the popular political leader, this leads “to a scenario of worrying political rupture” and to “serious risks of contamination to society.” The PP, he stressed, does not want to contribute to this, but that will not stop it from denouncing the amnesty that the Government is willing to grant, and which until a few months ago it considered unconstitutional, and all, Semper stressed, “for the interest of a few , which prevail over the interest of the Spanish people”. Because if there is an amnesty, the PP vice-secretary stressed, “it will be because Sánchez needs it to remain in power.”