The Justice Department announced the arrest of two militia members Thursday related to all the abusive anti-government”Boogaloo Bois” motion , for example one who they allege sought to incite a riot at Louisville, Kentucky,”contemporaneous with the Capitol riots” on Jan. 6.

Subleski has been charged with inciting a riot and committing an act of violence to promote a riot in downtown Louisville”through the use of social networking and other digital communications,” according to an announcement in the DOJ.

While inciting people to riot, Subleski supposedly posted on societal websites:”Time to storm LMPD.”

On Jan. 6 — the day that the violent bunch of former President Donald Trump’s assistants stormed the U.S. Capitol — members of those Boogaloo-affiliated team United Pharaoh’s Guard allegedly joined Subleski (who’s part of the team, according to the complaint) at Louisville and pointed rifles in drivers, blocked intersections and barricaded streets.

Subleski was captured on video shooting his gun in a car that moved through one of his band’s barricades.

Turner — that also identifies as part of the UPG and the”Boogaloo Bois,” based on the criticism was charged with engaging in a demonstration caravan on Christmas Day 2020 that faced police officers at St. Matthews, Kentucky. He had been detained for publicly carrying an AR-pistol and charged with threatening and resisting arrest.

He afterwards made risks to police officers on social networking, according to the DOJ’s announcement.

“I commend the outstanding work of this Louisville FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) and our state and local law enforcement task force member agencies working tirelessly each day to spot, locate, and apprehend for prosecution people who undermine the peace and security of the citizens of the Western District of Kentucky,” Acting U.S. Attorney Michael A. Bennett stated in the announcement.

The two Subleski and Turner are put to attend different preliminary and detention hearings on Feb. 17.