The priest who has been arrested in Malaga for sedating and sexually abusing at least four women – facts that he recorded and that his romantic partner discovered on a computer in the home they both shared in Melilla – denounced his girlfriend days before his arrest for steal computer equipment from your home.

Sources close to the investigation have explained to EFE that Francisco J. C., known as “Father Fran” by his parishioners, went to the police station on September 6 to report the woman for stealing money and computer equipment from his home. Five days later, on September 11, he was arrested.

The woman reported in August to the Family and Care Unit for Women (UFAM) in Melilla that she had located at their home that they both shared a hard drive with photographs and videos of sexual content. Previously, the complainant maintains that she first turned to the Church, already in January, to report the facts. The Bishopric of Malaga denies this and assures that there was no evidence until the complaint was filed.

In January of this year he requested a transfer to the Peninsula for health reasons and the Bishopric of Malaga – on which Melilla depends – assigned him as parish administrator to the towns of Yunquera and El Burgo, where his arrest has caused a great commotion among the congregation. It’s been days since he said mass. He was absent from the parishes for “personal” reasons.

In the recordings, several semi-naked women appear, asleep or under the effects of some sedative, whom Francisco J.C. allegedly attacked. He performed all kinds of sexual practices on them. The priest is 34 years old and has been a priest since 2017, the year in which there are already videos of abuse of women, committed, according to investigators, both at his home and in the parish house.

“Father Fran” has served as parish priest in the municipalities of Álora, Ardales and Carratraca, in Málaga, and, more recently, in Melilla.

Investigators are now analyzing the content of various technological material owned by the detainee, such as a computer, the detainee’s mobile phone and a camera.

The videos have made it possible to determine that the sexual assaults so far analyzed were committed between the years 2017 and 2019, that is, since he was ordained a priest, the same sources have told EFE, who do not rule out that more images of abuse perpetrated on others may appear. years.

The women who appear in the videos, which were recorded at the detainee’s home and in the parish house, are of legal age. Until now, the victims have stated that they are unaware of the existence of the recordings and are not aware of having been victims of any crime of a sexual nature. Attacks during trips with friends

The agents have found out that the attacks were carried out continuously in different years and locations, during trips by groups of friends, among whom was the arrested person.

This would have supplied the victims with some type of substance that nullified their state of consciousness to perpetrate the sexual assaults. However, because several years have passed since these attacks, investigators point out, it will be very difficult to determine what substances the detainee used to drug the victims.

The agents do not rule out that there are more victims in Melilla, Málaga or Córdoba, places where the arrested person has resided, so they continue analyzing the material that was seized at his current home in Vélez-Málaga after the arrest.

After learning of the arrest, the Bishopric of Malaga has withdrawn his ministerial licenses so that he does not exercise the priesthood.