
Elizabeth sought therapy after her mother’s death to process the trauma of witnessing her father abuse her mother while she was suffering from dementia. With a lack of therapists in her area, she turned to online counseling platform BetterHelp, which promises to make therapy more accessible. However, Elizabeth faced challenges with the platform, including time zone differences and feeling rushed during sessions.

As BetterHelp expands its operations in Australia, mental health experts are concerned about the subscription model and its potential impact on clients. The platform requires clients to pay a month in advance for weekly therapy sessions, which may lead to issues like codependency and a lack of clear endpoint for therapy. Psychologists and counselors question the value clients receive compared to in-person therapy and the adequacy of session times.

The pay structure for therapists on BetterHelp is also a point of concern, with rates below minimum wage for some therapists. The platform’s requirement for clinicians to respond to texts within a certain timeframe could lead to boundary issues and affect the therapeutic relationship. Additionally, the model may not provide clear exit points for clients to end therapy when their goals are met.

Associate Prof Andrew Campbell highlights the importance of setting goals in therapy and having clear endpoints. He raises concerns about the potential for clients to become overly reliant on counselors and the need for a balance between quantity and quality of care. The push for online therapy services like BetterHelp in Australia is seen as both an opportunity to meet the growing demand for mental health services and a challenge to ensure quality and safety standards are maintained.

Despite these concerns, a spokesperson for BetterHelp defends the platform’s quality and safety standards. They emphasize competitive compensation for therapists and ongoing support and supervision to ensure high standards of care. While Elizabeth opted to switch to a private practice therapist after canceling her BetterHelp subscription, she acknowledges the benefits of having more time between sessions to reflect and work towards her goals.

In conclusion, while online counseling platforms like BetterHelp offer convenience and accessibility, there are important considerations to ensure the quality and effectiveness of therapy. Clients should be aware of the potential challenges with subscription models, session times, and therapist availability. By prioritizing goals, boundaries, and clear endpoints in therapy, clients can make informed decisions about their mental health care.