
Pastor Robert Morris, a senior pastor at Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, and a former spiritual adviser to Donald Trump, recently admitted to a “moral failure” that took place four decades ago. The confession came after a woman named Cindy Clemishire accused him of molesting her repeatedly when she was just 12 years old. Clemishire shared her story on The Wartburg Watch, a website that exposes abuse in churches.

According to Clemishire, the abuse began in 1982 when Morris, who was 21 at the time, stayed with her family on Christmas night. He invited her to his room and touched her inappropriately, instructing her to keep it a secret. The encounters continued for 4½ years until they were brought to light in March 1987. Morris acknowledged the inappropriate behavior in a statement to The Christian Post, admitting to kissing and petting but denying intercourse.

Although Morris has not faced criminal charges, Clemishire’s attorney, Boz Tchividjian, criticized Morris for downplaying the severity of his actions with terms like “moral failure” and “young lady.” Tchividjian emphasized that such behavior should not be sanitized or excused, as it is criminal in nature. He pointed out that individuals who have committed similar acts are serving prison sentences, while Morris continues to preach to large congregations.

Despite the allegations, Morris and Gateway Church have not responded to requests for comments. The church’s elders claim that Morris disclosed the matter to them 35 years ago and underwent a two-year restoration process before returning to ministry. However, Clemishire disputes this account, stating that her father threatened to involve the police unless Morris stepped down from his position.

Since founding Gateway Church in 2000, Morris has become a prominent figure in conservative Christian circles, advocating for traditional values in government and politics. He has supported legislation targeting transgender individuals and criticized curricula in public schools. Morris has also emphasized sexual purity and morality in his sermons, drawing from his own experiences with immorality as a teenager.

Clemishire’s story sheds light on the importance of accountability and transparency within religious institutions. It raises questions about whether individuals who have engaged in criminal behavior should be allowed to hold positions of authority and influence within churches. As the allegations against Morris come to light, it prompts a broader conversation about addressing abuse and misconduct within religious communities.

Moving forward, it will be essential for churches and religious leaders to take allegations of abuse seriously, prioritize the well-being of victims, and uphold ethical standards of conduct. By holding individuals accountable for their actions, religious institutions can work towards creating safe and supportive environments for all members of their communities.