The members of ERC, the CUP and Òmnium Cultural whose cell phones were attacked with Pegasus have reproached the judge for the “difference in treatment” they consider receiving the investigation of their cases compared to that of espionage on the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez.

The leaders who are victims of espionage have submitted a document to the courts that have in their hands the complaints they filed for the attack on their cell phones with the Pegasus software, to request that the investigations be given a “momentum”, in which, due to the No diligence has been agreed upon at this time.

In his writings, the lawyer for the plaintiffs, Benet Salellas, denounces the “difference in treatment” that the investigations for espionage against the independentists and that of Pedro Sánchez are receiving in a “totally unjustified” manner, in the hands of the National Court and in which several procedures have already been agreed.

“It is evident that there is an important difference between the judicial protection that is being given to the victims protected by the National High Court and those who have denounced the facts in the courts of Barcelona,” denounces the lawyer, after specifying that 40 days have already passed without their complaints having been admitted for processing.

For this reason, it proposes that the Barcelona courts that have the Òmnium and CUP complaints in their hands request to participate in the rogatory commission that, headed by the judge of the National High Court, José Luis Calama, will travel to Israel to take a statement Director of NSO.

Or that, “at a minimum”, a copy of the results of the proceedings carried out by the National Court to clarify the espionage of Sánchez and the Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, be incorporated into the cases investigated in Barcelona.

Also the ERC members who were attacked with Pegasus, whose complaint is in the hands of a third court in Barcelona, ??have asked the instructor to join the rogatory commission to Israel agreed by Calama, according to legal sources.

In light of the latest judicial decisions, the cases of espionage against pro-independence politicians will not be accumulated in a single case, but will be investigated in different courts in Barcelona.

In a car, to which Efe has had access, the head of the investigating court number 32 in Barcelona, ??which has been investigating since 2020 the espionage of the former president of Parliament Roger Torrent and the ERC councilor Ernest Maragall, has refused to accumulate in the same cause the complaint filed by the leaders of the CUP and it has been returned to the court of instruction 22, to which it corresponded by distribution.

In the same way, the Òmnium complaint will continue in the hands of the investigating court number 21 of Barcelona while the one presented by Josep Maria Jové, president of ERC in the Parliament, and the Republican MEP Diana Riba, has fallen to the investigating court number 24.

In fact, the Barcelona Computer Crimes Prosecutor’s Office is currently opposing the accumulation of the complaints in a single criminal case, arguing that, despite the fact that the crime was committed through the Pegasus program itself, “it cannot be attributed that they have been committed by the same person.

In a statement, ERC has also urged the investigating judge in the Pegasus case to “carry out more proceedings and to do so actively”.

Through a letter that their legal representation has sent to the investigating court in which their complaint is pending, Jové and Riba demand an “effective investigation” and underline the “judicial obligation to investigate the facts, as well as to promote urgently all those measures that protect the victims and avoid the disappearance of evidence”.

They confirm that the National Court is “leading in a very agile and proactive way” the alleged espionage of members of the Government, an “investigation that, on the other hand, in Catalonia is completely paralyzed”, which suggests a “discrimination of a political nature that leads to a situation of unjustifiable defenselessness”.

For this reason, they ask that the investigative initiative be activated and all the procedures be carried out, such as that the investigating magistrate join the rogatory commission to Israel that the judge of the National High Court will make to directly investigate the company NSO, owner of the program Pegasus”.