The Ministry of Equality has sent a letter to the Torrelodones City Council in relation to the opponent of the Local Police force, which last March tried to examine herself as a woman alleging that she had changed her sex thanks to the trans law, in which she rejects this request .

Both sources from the Ministry of Equality and the consistory have confirmed to Efe that the policeman’s demand cannot be met since the notarial deed that he presented to justify his change of registered sex alluded to the norm of the Community of Madrid approved by the PP in 2016, but after the approval of the trans-state law last February, this is the one that regulates said procedure.

Thus, the opponent does not meet the requirements established by said rule, whose article 44 states that in order to make the modification of the registered sex effective, the interested party must appear in the Civil Registry on two occasions, with a period of three months between the first and the second. Second, to confirm your decision. Subsequently, the registry will have one more month to issue the resolution.

Therefore, the legal effects that would be granted to this man after the change in the registry mention of sex would still not be applicable, given that from the approval of the trans law on February 28 to the alleged request by the police officer, no time has passed. three months required by the standard.

The candidate began the selection process for the Local Police in January as a male and passed the first knowledge test, but on the day of the second physical test, he presented a notarial certificate stating that he had submitted the request for a sex change.

Faced with this situation, the qualifying court decided that she should take the tests with two scales, as a man and as a woman, until Equality and the Community of Madrid issued guidelines on how to act.

After the pronouncement of Equality, the consistory has explained that they do not know at what point the call is and “it is again the Community of Madrid that has to decide when and how the third test is carried out” that is missing to close the selection.