The dermatologist Elisa Pinto begins to see light after a long black tunnel that has lasted nine years. This doctor was involved in the middle of a police plot that sought the favors of Javier López Madrid, businessman, son-in-law of one of the main builders in this country, Juan Miguel Villar Mir, and a close circle of monarchs, the well-known “compiyogi ”.

A doctor-patient relationship, turned into a friendship, and which seems -according to various investigations- to have turned into harassment, ended with stabbings, cross complaints and threats. Since 2014, Pinto has been under investigation for allegedly threatening López Madrid and her family. She denied it but for years it was of no use. Now, the judge has given her reason and has filed the case against her, in a resolution that can still be appealed before the Provincial Court of Madrid. He has not been so lucky because he is being investigated and charged in two proceedings.

Since the businessman denounced her in March 2014, Pinto has suffered an ordeal that has now been partly recognized with the file order issued by the Investigating Court number 26 of Madrid and to which La Vanguardia has had access. He denounced that he was receiving threatening messages and put Pinto’s name as the possible author.

Three months earlier, the dermatologist had been stabbed in the presence of her son and before leaving, her hitman gave her the name López Madrid. She denounced the businessman and he the doctor. But she didn’t have the whole network that protected him. The instructor launches the idea in her resolution that the husband of Villar Mir’s daughter had a group of police commanders who helped him devise a strategy to legally sink Pinto.

The complaint was filed at the police station chosen because he knew its commissioner, he had the support -according to the judicial decision- to follow in Pinto’s footsteps “in an illegal investigation”, in addition to the support to delete the contents of his mobile phone when he It was required by the Court, and police reports were even drawn up in which it was said that the dermatologist’s son could have written threatening letters to López Madrid, and that now the judge does not give him any credibility.

The judge puts black on white the inconsistencies of the steps of López Madrid in this case. When going to denounce, he did not mention that he had previously gone to Elisa Pinto’s office with a lawyer who called himself Rafael Redondo but who actually turned out to be the controversial former police commissioner José Manuel Villarejo, known as a member of the sewers of the State, who was in pretrial detention for three years and who now has twenty open cases.

In that meeting they told him to stop threatening him. She denied that she was doing any such thing. That conversation was recorded and leaked to the media. The next thing that has served the judge to not give credibility to López Madrid’s version is that in her complaint she incorporates some threatening SMS from an unknown telephone number. What the businessman did not count on is that the Civil Guard, which assumed another part of the investigation, would require his telephone number and that messages that had previously been deleted could be removed from it. And it turns out that there were a series of messages that he had hidden from the magistrate.

In the resolution, the judge concludes that these could have come from the person who stabbed Pinto the first time and who was in contact with López Madrid. One of the messages she received said: “we stabbed her on your behalf and we accuse her children because you order it, we are going to give you what you deserve, jail and fame in the press, the beating will be given to you by your father-in-law or your friends. For being a traitor, go for calls and messages with a crumb, you are leaving a trail of shit”; or (…) “you are a madman who wants to kill her. You helped us with the visit to her office with false accusations ”; “We did what you wanted on Thursday afternoon, she was going with her little son who wouldn’t stop crying, it was in her stomach, how she was bleeding (…) now she’s afraid of you, we’ve been at the door of her house for several days and I can’t tell has dared to leave (…)”.

When Pinto’s statement was taken in the case, she recounted, in addition to the two attacks suffered in the middle of the street, a series of messages threatening her, and now the investigation has concluded that they are from the same addressee as those received by López Madrid.

Her version is totally different. In her statement, she stated that she initially began flirting with him and later what she understands as “sexual harassment”, being followed, even following her to Paris. In her complaint, she assured that López Madrid told her that she had contacts with her, even in the CNI, and that if she denounced him, she would destroy her life and sink her professionally. It was when she told him that she was going to report him that she began to receive threatening messages.

“From the numerous procedures carried out, it can be concluded that there are no indications that the person being investigated, Elisa Pinto, had participated in sending the numerous messages, sms and calls that the complainant claims to have received,” the order concludes.

Another reason why the magistrate rules out Pinto’s authorship is because the number of messages she receives threatening and insulting her and with the language used, makes it impossible for her to be the author.

The judge does not miss the “close” relations that López Madrid maintains with the police commissioners José Luis Conde, then chief commissioner of the Provincial Judicial Police Brigade and Enrique García Castaño, then commissioner of the General Information Commissioner and one of the main defendants in the trial that has just been held against Villarejo.

In fact, it highlights that the statement that Conde offered when questioned was “lacking professionalism” despite being at that time head of the judicial police. “It does not explain the logical reasons why the statement was taken at the offices of the fifth homicide group, nor does it clarify why there were suspicions about Elisa Pinto, especially considering that initially the complainant did not state that they existed.”

In addition, López Madrid eliminated 12 contacts from his agenda before handing over his mobile device to the Civil Guard in the framework of the open investigation after Pinto’s cross-reporting. Among these contacts were several police officers. “The telephone terminal underwent modifications prior to making it available to this court. These facts demonstrate the attempt to manipulate, not only the information contained in their terminals, but also the present proceeding, with clear procedural bad faith,” the file order states.

“These contacts cast doubt on the reports made by the Central Unit for Specialized and Violent Crime, which undertook the investigation, precisely because there were suspicions of irregular actions as the complainant had numerous conversations with members of the CNP. Said Unit did not make any report on said contacts, nor on the relations with Commissioner Villarejo, despite the fact that his name appeared in several of the messages that López Madrid received and that were the object of investigation in the present proceeding.

Another piece of information: in the initial complaint, López Madrid talks about some alleged messages that he receives and that later do not appear on his phone and, on the contrary, he omits others that are later found. One of them stated: “the Jewish woman (referring to Pinto) was more rational, it was difficult for us to denounce you but she has to survive and she has understood that you are crazy and you will end up killing her, you still have not understood that the Jewish woman does not know what this was about the only way to get where we have arrived and there is no turning back because you wanted to kill him in front of his son”.

The judge concludes that “it is clear that the defendant has been the victim of more serious acts than those denounced by Javier López Madrid.” In fact, in another court the businessman is accused of the stab wounds that Pinto received, in addition to having an investigation open in the National Court for commissioning Villarejo to carry out this entire operation against the dermatologist.