Elon Musk’s pulse has not trembled to cut all kinds of expenses since his arrival at Twitter: personnel, cleaning, security, equipment, office rent and a long etcetera. The tycoon has moved on, even if that meant a legal problem for him. And now the first consequences come, because the authorities in Boulder (Colorado) have received the go-ahead to evict Twitter from the office he maintains there, according to the Denver Business Journal.

The proceedings against the company were accelerated last month. On May 12, Lot 2 SBO filed a complaint regarding three months of unpaid office rent. Two weeks later, a Boulder County district court judge gave law enforcement 49 days to evict the delinquent tenant and return the suites to the owner and landlord.

Twitter has been aware of the complainant’s intention for months because the landlord delivered the “demand for compliance or possession” in April, according to court documents seen by this medium. Despite the notices, Elon Musk has not paid and has not left the premises either.

Coexistence in that office has been stormy since Musk acquired Twitter: 87 people fired, 38 resigning in protest of staff cuts and non-payment of rent, which could now end in eviction.

The owner of that property claims $179,000 for accumulated delays. It is not the only outstanding debt. Avalanche Commercial Cleaning, which handled cleaning services at this office, claims that Twitter owes it $93,504.

Twitter isn’t just in trouble in Boulder. Also at its headquarters in San Francisco. According to court documents filed with the State Court, the company owned by Elon Musk owes a total of $136,260 for unpaid rent.