Élite Taxi has announced this Thursday that it is canceling the twelve-hour service strike coinciding with the Day, in protest of the fine of 123,000 euros by the Catalan Competition Authority (ACCO) for boycotting Uber and other platforms.

In a statement, the entity has celebrated that the Department of Territory has convened the Taxi Council, where different measures that affect the sector must be discussed and which, Élite Taxi warns, “will not leave anyone indifferent.” “For this reason, and out of respect for the Diada and what it means for the people of Catalonia and for us, we call off the mobilization of September 11,” states the association, which, however, leaves the door open to occupying the building of the ACCO “at any time and without notice”.

The taxi drivers had planned to stop the service between eight in the morning and eight in the afternoon and a slow march next Monday, a protest that coincided with the Diada. This was announced by the Elite Taxi spokesperson, in the mobilization called last Monday, in which the taxi drivers carried out a slow march from the Plaza España to the Parliament, stopping at the ACCO headquarters, located on Via Laietana, where They threw fake bills with the face of their president, Roger Loppacher, and set off firecrackers.

In the statement, the association states that it “reserves the right” to occupy the building where the ACCO headquarters is located “at any time and without notice.”

This Thursday, the Department of Territory has convened the Taxi Council next Tuesday, September 26, to address the latest changes in the regulation of the sector. The meeting will serve, among other things, to analyze the ruling that the Superior Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) handed down at the beginning of June on the limitation of authorizations for transport vehicles with drivers (VTC).

Along these lines, the Generalitat has assured that the scenario relating to taxi services has experienced “significant changes” that require adapting the current regulations in Catalonia. The Taxi Council is the permanent consultation body between taxi drivers and the public administration and unions and consumer organizations are also representatives.