This Sunday, thousands of citizens are called to the polls in 49 Spanish towns where the municipal elections of May 28, when they took place in most of Spain, could not be completed due to a lack of candidates or because the votes were declared invalid in one or several polling stations.

The elections will be carried out in accordance with the royal decree issued by the then-named Ministry of the Presidency, Relations with the Cortes and Democratic Memory on October 2, which, while in office, called them for this Sunday.

Specifically, the elections will be held in 38 municipalities in Navarra, four in Burgos, one in Segovia (Cabezuela) and another in Teruel (Monroyo) where they could not be held six months ago because no one presented a candidacy. As for the municipalities where the elections were declared totally or partially null, this Sunday they will be repeated in Fiñana (Almería), Ocentejo (Guadalajara), Ceutí (Murcia), Castro Caldelas (Orense) and Puerto Seguro (Salamanca).

In addition, elections are also held in 136 small local entities in 13 different provinces, which did not have candidates in the electoral contest last May or which must repeat them because a judge or the corresponding Electoral Board declared their nullity.

The causes for the repetition are varied and the most remembered is that of the Salamanca municipality of Puerto Seguro, where the elections were annulled as a result of the mayor taking the ballot box from the polling station to take it to a voter, which is not allowed by the normative.

As for the municipalities where no candidates were presented for the May elections, the Central Electoral Board (JEC) collects on its website the candidacies for these places, which are headed by lists of the big parties such as PP or PSOE, as well as small local or regionalist parties, like Teruel Exist.

In the case of towns with less than 250 inhabitants, Navarra is once again the region with the most cases, specifically 77, followed by León with 22 towns. In these constituencies, small boards of five people are elected, or a single president as they are districts that depend on other nearby municipalities.

In this process of electoral repetition, which is called partial local elections, the characteristics and rules are practically the same, except for cases in which the elections are repeated due to a partial or total annulment of the previous ones.

For this case, the JEC states that only the parties that have already attended the May ones can be presented and the members of the table must be the same, since it is not a new call, but rather a partial or total repetition. of the previous one due to a failure in the count or any other failure in the process.

If this is the case, the parties do not campaign either, nor do they distribute public spaces. In fact, if there is the necessary number of ballots from those left over on the previous election day, there is no need to print more.