Doctor Gabriel Serrano Sanmiguel is a man from Barranquilla in love with Valencia and Spain, who throughout his life has gone around the Earth dozens of times seeking the complicity of doctors from all over the world to help cure health conditions. fur. Those who know him best assure that he is a visionary and those who work with him affirm that the more impossible an idea seems to his collaborators, the more zealous and determined the goal of carrying it out is imposed. Time has proved him right, because today he presides over some laboratories, located in Puçol, Valencia, leaders in technology, innovation and prestige in the field of dermocosmetics that are recognized throughout the world.

In the description of his story, the information appears that at the age of 19 he decided to come to Spain. What was the reason?

I wanted to study Medicine to continue the family tradition of my father and my grandfather, in my native Colombia. My father was an exceptional man, a vocational doctor who transmitted to me values ??of service to patients and professional excellence that have marked my entire life. Although my parents had moved to live in the US, they wanted me to study in Spain, since the political and economic situation in Colombia at the end of the 60s was really worrying, and by chance I came to Valencia, where I have developed my career. professional as a doctor and researcher, I have created my companies, my children have been born and I feel really happy.

Did you fit in well in Valencia?

In this land I have found happy and wonderful people who know how to live life and work with enthusiasm and innovate like me. I grew up in Barranquilla and both there and here the family is very important, as well as respect for parents and support for children, and that is why I often say that I am the most Valencian Colombian in the world without ever having stopped longing for the smells and flavors of my childhood.

It is also reported that you decided to dedicate yourself to the production of dermatological products due to the lack and cost of these for your patients. Is it so?

That’s right, indeed. After working as a resident doctor and as Assistant Clinical Head of the Dermatology Service of the General University Hospital of Valencia for more than 25 years, I decided that it was time to open my own dermatology clinic, in 1976. It was during the daily practice in my office that I discovered that there were few dermatological products to address the different skin problems of patients, such as vitiligo, psoriasis, acne… This lack in the market was what inspired me to create formulas adapted to the different needs of the skin. Currently, my commitment goes beyond the mere sale of products. Even if they are loss making, I refuse to take these solutions off the market because there are still people who trust them and need their benefits.

What were the first products that required urgent preparation and for which pathologies?

The first line of products I developed at Sesderma was Acglicolic based on glycolic acid, which renews, regenerates and soothes the skin. This line is still one of the best sellers today. Another line that I am proud of is C-VIT, based on vitamin C. It is a great commercial success. In parallel, I also developed procedures for other dermatologists to incorporate into their practices, including chemical peels and substances used in facial, hair or body mesotherapy. In fact, our division of products for medical professionals, Mediderma, has become a leader in this category of treatments.

Any special milestone?

A notable achievement 15 years ago was the development of the first safe, non-sedating formula for a phenol chemical peel. Phenol is an anti-aging ingredient that produces effects similar to those of a non-surgical facelift, but generally requires hospitalization and sedation for control. In response to this challenge, I embarked on a search for new phenol formulations. This led me to the creation of Nomelan Fenol, a line of peels based on a “domesticated” phenol that offers high efficacy and safety. It can be used in clinics under the supervision of a medical professional, eliminating the need for hospitalization or sedation.

Another important innovation in the field of medical-aesthetic treatments was the development of the well-known Nanopore micro-needling device by Mediderma, together with the German businessman Horst Liebl. Currently, Mediderma’s Nanopore Stylus 02 is a revolutionary medical micro-needling device with one of the most powerful motors on the market. This treatment, which generates thousands of microchannels in the skin and improves communication between cells, promotes the production of collagen and elastin, and transports active ingredients to the deeper layers of the skin.

Was it difficult to be independent against the powerful pharmaceutical industry?

The key to our independence lies in the quality of our products and their efficacy, values ??that are recognized by both users and the dermatologists who prescribe them. I have always opted for innovation and research, since I firmly believe that this is the only way to succeed in continuing to develop effective products and treatments. One of our hallmarks is the use of nanotechnology, since since 2009 we have applied nanotechnology in the manufacture of our products and treatments, both from Sesderma and Mediderma. Nanotechnology has made it possible to intervene in particles on a nanometric scale, the effect of which is greater benefits for the skin. These positive effects include unprecedented levels of penetration and efficacy, excellent skin tolerance due to the composition being similar to skin cells, and controlled release of active ingredients, thus improving the long-term efficacy of the product.

What are the main product demands today?

Current trends in the industry are aligned with the demand for dermocosmetic products that are easy to use, safe, effective, and incorporate innovative active ingredients. In addition, we are also working on the application of exosomes in dermatology. Exosomes, small vesicles that range between 30 and 150 nm, are naturally produced within cells and serve as vehicles for transporting biomolecules such as lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, essential for proper cell function. They play a vital role in many physiological processes, and their use in dermatology has great potential.

Many times we see reports or advertisements that talk about miraculous formulas for the skin. Are there miracles in this field?

Dermocosmetics is based on science and medical practice. It is backed by studies and focuses its efforts on solving problems related to skin imbalances. Hence, Sesderma products are sold in pharmacies and parapharmacies. On the other hand, dermocosmetics has a selection of dermatologically tested active ingredients with the aim of guaranteeing the dermal health of its consumers. As I said, when we buy a dermo-cosmetic product, we have the guarantee that said product has clinical studies and scientifically proven results that guarantee its safety and efficacy.

Women are the main consumers of the products they manufacture.

I like to say that Laboratorios SESDERMA has the soul of a woman and that here they have broken the so-called “glass ceiling”, that invisible barrier that has historically prevented women from occupying positions of responsibility and power that correspond to them. Many years ago we overcame this situation, it is in our DNA, since women are the majority of the company’s global workforce. But in addition to number, women win in terms of being the ones who decide in most of the highest responsibilities and areas of work. Thus, women are responsible for the Registration, HR, I D I, Medical, Digital Area, Legal Advice, International Sales, Design, Mediderma, National and International Logistics, Graphic Design, HR, Customer Service or International Subsidiaries departments. Some of them began their professional careers in the company 15 or 20 years ago, and have been training and climbing positions within the organization chart due to their solvency and good work.

I’m curious, have men already joined as a great client of creams or is it still women who dominate the market?

Skin care is important to everyone, including men. A good skincare routine can help prevent acne, soothe irritation, and reduce the signs of aging. What I would like to emphasize is that, although there are specific products for men, the main difference is usually in the texture and the perfume, since what is relevant is the formula and the active ingredients it contains.

You have achieved that your company is already an international reference from Valencia. What are your goals for the coming years?

Our goal is international expansion, a strategic commitment to consolidate our subsidiaries and our presence in the more than 80 countries where we distribute the products we make at our factory in Puçol, in Valencia. Only in this last year I have attended 12 international dermatology congresses, I have traveled more than 300,000 km after having taken more than 160 flights, visited 15 countries and slept outside my house for 240 days. Some people ask me if all this effort is worth it, and the answer is a resounding yes because our products solve the skin problems of thousands of people on four continents and at 74 I still have the illusion of when I made the first formulation of a skin cream. I like to think that thanks to our work there are people who feel better, who solve their skin problems and who are happier.

Is your company prepared to face all these ambitious challenges?

Of course. We are ambitious in our objectives, but very rational and reasonable in terms of the processes to reach them. For example, in our commitment to sustainability, a few months ago we inaugurated the first phase of a photovoltaic plant of more than 1,000 m2 at our Puçol plant, with which we are already generating 60% of green energy for our own consumption. On the other hand, before the end of this year we will inaugurate a new logistics warehouse of more than 6,000 m2 attached to the Puçol manufacturing plant that will allow us to reduce the carbon footprint of our production processes, since we will eliminate hundreds of truck trips with raw materials and other materials that are now unavoidable. However, if these material examples are important, what is essential for me is our firm commitment to the I D i that has characterized us for so many years.

By the way, keep checking. What is medicine for you?

Medicine, together with my family and my work as an entrepreneur, is another of the most important pillars of my life. I learned from my father to love my patients, to listen to them and to dedicate all the time necessary to understand what ailed them or the symptoms they presented. Throughout so many years, since I was a resident doctor in Valencia to the last consultation in my clinic in Dubai, I have done nothing but listen to the people who come to me hoping that I will cure them or alleviate their pain. I feel committed to them and their problems and that is why I continue studying, researching, preparing new formulations and investing in innovation and development of new products. It’s in my DNA I guess, and it makes me really happy, so I enjoy every day with this privilege.