The Observatory against Homophobia (OCH) has registered a total of 30 incidents due to LGTBIphobia in Catalonia this July, twice as many as on the same dates of the previous year (14), including physical and verbal attacks.

In a study by groups, the gay man is the one that registers the most incidences, followed by trans women. Specifically, homosexual men record 50% of all incidents due to LGTBIphobia. In this month of July 2023, discrimination against this group has increased by 45.4%.

The increase in incidences is even more worrying towards transsexual people, with an increase of 200%, and towards lesbian people, with an increase of 50%.

According to the Observatory against Homophobia, between July 1 and 31 there were records of 10 cases of physical attacks that took place on public roads, on public transport and in nightlife spaces. These are the most common episodes, whose increase is 23.3% compared to a year ago.

However, in the areas where discrimination due to LTGBphobia has increased the most in percentage terms compared to July 2022 is in the nightlife space, with 200%, followed by housing, the internet and social networks (100%). Physical assaults (33.3%) are the most registered type of discrimination in July, but the most significant increase is found in hate speech (600%).

By geographical area, 24 of the 30 incidents registered in Catalonia took place in Barcelona. In light of the data, the director of the OCH, Eugeni Rodríguez, has described the increase in cases as “alarming” and “worrying”, especially physical attacks on public roads, and has called for more prevention and detection measures administrations, including the municipal one.