With the mutilated crest, with few or broken feathers and with metal artifacts on the legs that are used to injure or even kill other animals. This is how they found, according to sources from the Mossos d’Esquadra, a good part of the 75 roosters that were living poorly on an illegal farm located in the Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat. Presumably, these birds were used for fighting.

For all these reasons, two men have been denounced for animal abuse and records have been issued prior to the formal complaint for illegal activity and illegal construction. In an enclave with special regulations such as the agricultural park, buildings of any kind are not allowed, but that farm did not have authorization or municipal permission.

At the beginning of April, information was received that a business of these characteristics could be found there. And on the 4th, agents of the regional Medi Ambient unit of the Mossos Metropolitan Police Region, the local police of Sant Joan Despí, municipal technicians and guards from the Parc Agrari discovered it on the spot. Specifically, there were 75 roosters and 30 hens. It is estimated that 70% of the cocks were for illegal fights.

On the other hand, the inspection also detected a room with drugs of illicit origin. In short, everything that was there was illegal and some of the animals were in a deplorable state.

The sanctions are being processed through administrative channels but the criminal one is not ruled out, add these same Mossos sources. At the moment, the fines for infractions can reach up to 45,000 euros, the closure of the facilities and the disqualification to have animals for a period of between two months and five years.