For those who were hoping that President Biden’s lack of communication skills during the last debate was just a one-time issue, recent days have not been reassuring. Donald Trump’s bid for a second term is a serious threat to American democracy. Instead of actively campaigning to prove his capabilities and show that he can defeat Trump, Biden has been sticking to a controlled schedule of public appearances. He has been avoiding interactions with voters or journalists, which could expose his weaknesses and led to his debate struggles. Even during a recent interview, Biden appeared to be struggling, further fueling concerns about his mental and physical fitness for office.

Despite clear indications from surveys and interviews over the past year that voters have doubts about Biden’s ability to lead, he has chosen to ignore these concerns. His refusal to address these doubts has put the country at risk, as his approval ratings and chances of beating Trump have dropped significantly since the debate. Biden has dismissed these polls, claiming they are inaccurate, but the overwhelming skepticism about his fitness for office remains. A recent poll showed that 74% of voters believe Biden is too old to serve, a sentiment that has only increased since the debate.

In a letter to congressional Democrats, Biden failed to acknowledge the concerns about his age and instead focused on portraying himself as the best candidate to defeat Trump. By doing so, he disregarded the potential candidacy of Vice President Kamala Harris or other younger, more energetic Democrats, asking voters to trust him despite their doubts. However, it is essential for Democratic leaders to listen to the broader electorate, not just a select group of primary voters, in order to make an informed decision for the November election.

It is not enough for Biden to blame the media, donors, or pundits for questioning his abilities. Ultimately, it is the voters who will decide the Democratic nominee, and their concerns cannot be ignored. Democratic leaders must pay attention to the voices of all voters, especially those who have been expressing doubts about Biden’s fitness for office. The outcome of the November election will be determined by the will of the broader electorate, and it is crucial for Biden to address their concerns in order to secure their trust and support.