“Today is a day of the utmost importance, I think for our country and for the world, because the first resolution in history that addresses the issue of the social economy has been approved.”

This is how the press conference started Yolanda Díaz, second vice president and labor minister of the Spanish government, once the general assembly of the United Nations (UN) approved by acclamation a resolution promoted by Spain in which the “social and solidarity economy”, a concept that includes cooperatives, brotherhoods, mutuals, foundations and other companies that pursue the general interest and social objectives.

“The social economy is our now and our tomorrow, since it proposes an inclusive economic model with social objectives, based on internal solidarity and with people at the center,” he had stated from the podium of the iconic hall of the global institution .

Then, before the journalists, he turned to the numbers of the “unconventional” economy in Spain, which makes it possible to overcome “a ruthless system”, to demonstrate its far-reachingness. “10% of the GDP is occupied by the social economy”, he indicated, and compared it with respect to its importance by indicating that tourism is 12% of the gross domestic product. In Spain it concentrates more than 43,000 companies and brings together more than 2.2 million workers, he stressed.

All his enthusiasm in explaining this achievement was diluted when question time began. The Spanish correspondents were very clear that the matter to be discussed was the reaction of Pablo Iglesias and his “salad of hosts”, an expression he used to describe the Díaz interview two days ago on the Lo de Évole program, or his support in the elections on May 28, if he will only align himself with those who are with his Sumar initiative and not with those of Unidas Podemos.

“I would be delighted to answer the question, but I am at the United Nations headquarters and I cannot and should not answer it,” she replied. He used this formula again when the informants tried to ask him the same thing, but in a different, more camouflaged way.

He also dodged the question about his recent definition of Morocco as a “dictatorship.” On this occasion, he replied that he thanked the North African country for “defending and accompanying” the proposal that he had presented to the UN on behalf of Spain. “Every day I work with Morocco on policies as important as workers and workers and I will continue to do so, but today is a day of gratitude,” he stressed.

The vice president took the opportunity to praise the success of the labor reform that she promoted or that unemployment has fallen to a point that a decade ago would have seemed impossible, although it continues to be a problem.

He said that once again he expressed his rejection of the policy of the United States Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank to raise interest rates or that banks have unsustainably raised mortgage payments that are impossible to pay for many families.

And he maintained that “business margins are right now the cause of a good part of inflation”. Díaz stressed that “they must be corrected by useful politics”. buy”. As a solution, he insisted on the idea of ​​a regulated and rotating basket, “something that is legal and possible and that France has already done,” he clarified.

“I think it is possible to reach an agreement with the large distribution chains to fix the price of a series of quality foods, which have meat, fish, vegetables, legumes and dairy products that must be of quality,” he specified.