The Popular Party candidate for mayor of Barcelona, ​​Daniel Sirera, starred this afternoon in a discussion lunch at the Círculo Ecuestre, an act in which, in conversation with the journalist from La Vanguardia Joaquín Luna, he proposed reversing the tram connection by La Diagonal and rethinking all the superblocks to decide which ones are suitable.

After the presentation by Antonio Delgado, president of the club, who highlighted Sirera’s political and professional career as a lawyer, the popular candidate began by saying that Barcelona today is not a city in which he would like to live and that It has ceased to be the great Mediterranean capital that it was in the past: “We live in a city that has no future with the current municipal government,” he assured.

“I think we must remember the best Barcelona”, Sirera has exposed as the image contrary to the decline that, in his opinion, the city is experiencing, currently beset, from his point of view, by traffic problems, insecurity and squatting when in the past it “attracted talent from all over the world” and its citizens were “proud” of it.

As for whether a referendum on the continuity of Ada Colau will be considered in the next municipal elections, Sirera considers that the important thing is to decide between “Barcelona yes or Barcelona no”. And, in this sense, he has revealed his policy of pacts, in which he opens up to talk with the socialist Jaume Collboni and Xavier Trias, from Junts, but rules out reaching agreements with the commons and with the ERC of Ernest Maragall.

Of Collboni, however, Sirera has assured that “it is part of the problem and it will hardly be a solution”, since if it were not for the socialist candidate, he recalled, Colau would not currently govern and would not have taken his “Barcelona from no to tourism, the private vehicle and the big events” ahead. In contrast, the mayor of the PP proposes “not to miss the train of progress” at a time when “there are people who look to other cities in Spain to set up their businesses.”

And as for a possible pact with the center-right that former mayor Trias also represents, from the nationalist axis, Sirera has joked assuring that it is difficult for him to “choose between scare or death.” In any case, he has stressed, his agreement policy will focus more on “what for” and not so much on “for whom.”

“With Colau, nothing to talk about, nor with Maragall,” Sirera stressed, while he recalled the Junts candidate that he is a classmate of Carles Puigdemont and Clara Ponsatí to underline his independence supporter. “But if we have to talk about things that benefit the city and get it out of the puddle and quagmire, I’m willing to talk with one and the other,” he concluded, referring to Collboni and Trias, the only ones with whom he plans to negotiate after the elections.

In this line of argument, Sirera has accused Trias of not having managed the city well during his term, in which he allowed the occupation of Can Vies to continue, and has assured that the post-convergent candidate “will not reverse anything Colau has done “if he returns to the mayor’s office. “The misfortunes will continue”, has proclaimed Sirera, who has been in favor of “stopping everything” and rethinking the superblocks to decide which ones should be “maintained, modified or removed”.

“My hand will not tremble,” Sirera has vehemently indicated in this regard, who has also assured that “the tram has to go outside” and that it will do so if it reaches the mayor’s office. “It splits the city in two”, he has argued, and will imply a great “traffic light affectation” in the streets that cross it, such as Muntaner, the axis that connects the upper area with the center of the city.

“Barcelona will be unimaginable chaos”, has announced the PP candidate, for whom Colau, with his desire to remove 350,000 vehicles from the streets, has “dynamited the Cerdà plan” and is promoting the existence of a “first class city and a second class “, in reference to the streets that, like Consell de Cent, benefit from pedestrianization compared to others like Valencia, where Sirera himself lives, which absorb much more traffic and pollution.

Lastly, as regards tourism, the PP politician has stated that it is a phenomenon from which Barcelona cannot fail to benefit, since it represents a high percentage of its GDP, and has proposed “turning Barcelona into a multicentric city”. so that visitors are also distributed by districts such as Nou Barris, Horta-Guinardó or Sants, following the model of London, where there are different attractions that make it a commercially open city.